Crashes Are No Accident: Safe Driving in Maryland

If you drive a car, you are well aware that you must have auto insurance. Auto insurance will cover the costs of the other driver’s damages if you are declared to be at fault in an auto accident. If you live near the Laurel, MD, area and need an auto insurance policy, we invite you to call us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. Our family-owned, independent agency has been proudly serving area clients since 2005.

Always Be Safety-Minded When Driving

When you’re driving, you should always be safety-minded. According to Zero Deaths Maryland (a division of the Maryland Department of Transportation), we believe auto crashes are no accident. Our data shows crashes can be avoided with simple preventative measures. These measures include wearing your seat belt whenever you’re in the car and never texting while driving.

Crashes Are No Accident

According to the Maryland Department of Transportation statistics, there were 300 auto fatalities in Maryland during 2023. So far, in 2024, there have already been 274 fatal crashes. Between 2018 and 2022, there was an average of over 29,000 crashes with injuries.

The Maryland Department of Transportation created the Zero Deaths Maryland campaign to educate citizens about how to avoid being one of those grim statistics. Their studies show that most crashes causing injury or fatality occur when people are distracted, impaired, inattentive, aggressive, or unbuckled.

Call Us Today for an Appointment

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is proud to be an independent agent. We will always provide you with a customized list of options. We will answer any questions about the best insurance choices for you and your family. Residents of the Laurel, MD, area will find that we are knowledgeable about auto insurance policies. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s work together to find your best possible coverage.

Liability Coverage and Homeowner’s Insurance

When Most Think about Insuring Their Home

When most people think about insuring and protecting their home, they think about protecting it from theft, storm, fire, and wind damage. Homeowners insurance is, of course, the primary method most individuals use to protect these homes.

A Serious Daily Threat to Your Financial Future

Many overlook another severe daily threat to your financial future. That’s the risk of being sued for an injury that might happen on your property. This is where liability coverage on your homeowner’s insurance policy plays such a significant role.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial of Laurel, MD, we believe the better you understand your insurance coverage, the more likely you will choose us to safeguard your investment.

What You Should Know about Liability Coverage

Here’s what you should know about your homeowner’s insurance policy liability coverage.

You Have a Duty to Protect Visitors

Whether visitors are friends, relatives, neighbors, contract workers, or delivery people, you are responsible for ensuring their safety while on your property. You could be held financially accountable for injuries if they should get injured by a dog, slip and fall, or trip due to a loose rug or broken concrete.

This could be expensive in terms of settlements or judgments, and the associated legal costs could be devastating. Your homeowner’s insurance policy’s liability coverage can provide valuable relief.

While it can be easier to value your home’s structure, contents, and outbuildings, liability claims might be more challenging to calculate. Your liability coverage serves as your financial backup.

Learn More and Get a Quote Today

Learn more about the importance of liability coverage and get answers to your questions today. When you reach out to us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial of Laurel, MD, you will learn more about the liability aspects of your homeowners insurance and how they defend you. Contact us today.

Do You Need Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

If you’ve paid off your car and don’t have lender requirements for insurance, you have the option to only maintain liability insurance as required by law to protect other cars when you drive. However, dropping comprehensive insurance in Laurel MD isn’t always the best idea. Comprehensive insurance has added benefits which protect the value of your car in the case of an accident which isn’t covered by another driver’s insurance or in the case of theft or vandalism.

Bank Loan Requirements

Bank loan requirements are relatively simple and straightforward. Even with the best of intentions, people will refuse to continue paying for their car loan if the automobile has been wrecked or is no longer driveable. Insurance against such an occurrence protects the bank as it pays of the money you were lent . Additionally, it protects you by paying off the money you owe rather than allowing your credit rating to be destroyed and prevent from not only being able to buy another car but take any other type of loan you may need to better your life.

Protecting Your Investment

If you can afford to buy your car outright without a loan, choose a less expensive used model which doesn’t need a loan, or if you’ve completely paid off the car over time, you don’t have a legal obligation to maintain comprehensive insurance although it’s a good idea to. It is still your car and will be difficult to replace if an unforeseen accident occurs. Beyond simply providing for your legal obligations insurance protects your interest in the investment of an automobile.

Be sure to discuss your needs with our insurance agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial serving Laurel MD to find an appropriate policy which best suits your personal situation.

Recycling in Your Home

We do a lot of things to protect our home and make our quality of life better. However, one thing that many people are not yet doing is finding a way to recycle items in their home. Recycling not only makes your home life better but it also helps the environment as a whole. It is important to recycle but sometimes we do not always know what we can recycle. Use these tips to get started today.

  • Plastic: Plastic is something that most people know they can recycle. However, sometimes this is limited. You can recycle a lot of plastic items in your home other than plastic water bottles. A good example of this would be plastic grocery bags. Before you throw anything away that is plastic, make sure you cannot recycle it first.
  • Paper: Paper is also one of those things that people know they can recycle but they do not do it enough. There are so many paper products in homes that can be recycled such as paper plates, paper cups, junk mail, and more.
  • Glass: Glass is something that can be recycled but not all people consider this when they are recycling. To recycle glass, all you have to do is rinse it out before you put it in the bin. It is very easy to recycle and should be taken advantage of.
  • Batteries: Batteries are not always something someone considers to recycle but you may even find a place in Laurel, MD, that will pay you to recycle them. You can recycle all kinds of batteries such as AA, AAA, laptop batteries, and cell phone batteries. If they no longer hold a charge, you can probably recycle them somewhere. Do some research to find a place to recycle your batteries and make some extra money on the side.

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD, wants to help you find the perfect home insurance policy for your needs and budget. Contact us today!

Why Laurel, MD auto insurance is important

Located smack between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Laurel, Maryland is an ideal place for people who work in either city to own a home and raise a family. With everything close but far enough way that walking or biking is probably out of the question, it also means residents of this town will need a car of some kind to get from place to place. That’s why it’s incredibly important that those who live in Laurel, MD also have auto insurance of some kind. The reasons for this are listed below.


While everyone is supposed to have auto insurance in the event of an accident there are many people out there who do not, or don’t want to stick around after an accident occurs. There is also a chance that you could be at fault for the accident and cause injuries to yourself or others in your vehicle. So you will need auto insurance to cover these medical bills just in case something like this happens, so it doesn’t leave you paying an exorbitant amount in the future for an accident that happened in the past.


Auto insurance also protects your vehicle from any damage that may be inflicted upon it in the event of an accident. But it also protects other vehicles on the road that may be damaged in an accident that is deemed your fault. Without auto insurance or enough coverage on your policy, you could be forced to pay for the repairs to a number of vehicles that could cause a serious financial problem in the future.


Just knowing you are covered in the event something unpredictable like an accident occurs makes it easier for you to drive and live in a place like Laurel, MD. And there is no real price you can put on piece of mind.

Freezing Temps and Pipes: What You Should Know

When the weather drops to freezing temperatures, there are increased risks of freezing pipes. However, there are some things you can do to avoid freezing pipes and all of the financial responsibilities that go along with it. Uses these tips from My Mid-Atlantic Insurance Financial to prep your pipes and prevent some burst pipes. 

  • If you have a pool or a sprinkler system in Laurel, MD, before the temperature drops, you should drain the water from the pipes. Do not put antifreeze into these pipes because it can be harmful to the environment as well as your family or pets. 
  • If you have any hoses that you use outdoors, empty them and bring them inside so they will not freeze. If your valve is outside, you should leave it open so the water inside can expand if it freezes. This will prevent it from causing the pipe to break. 
  • Consider insulating your pipes if they are exposed to the outside. You can check for exposed pipes in your crawl space and around your home. If there are any exposed pipes, getting them insulated will help prevent them from freezing.
  • On cold nights, if there is a likelihood of freezing temperatures, you should leave a faucet dripping so there is continuous water movement which can prevent freezing. Additionally, you can open you cabinets to expose your pipes to the warmth inside your home. This will allow the warmer air to circulate around the pipes. 

Freezing pipes can cause a lot of trouble for your home. While it may not seem like a big deal when it is still freezing but once the temperatures rise, you will have a lot of water in your home. Contact My Mid-Atlantic Insurance Financial serving Laurel, MD today to get a quote for home insurance so you can protect yourself in case your pipes do freeze and you need extra home protection.