Is Life Insurance Necessary?

Laurel, MD residents seeking information on life insurance should be aware of their options when shopping around. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial highly recommends life insurance for anyone who has dependents or family members who rely on them. 

Maintaining a life insurance policy means your dependents and family members will be financially taken care of if you should pass away unexpectedly. It also provides you with the peace of mind that once you are gone, your family members will be comfortable and secure with what you’ve left behind. 

While you can try to plan your entire life, everything you want to accomplish, and the money you want to earn, at the end of the day you can’t really plan for what may happen to you. All we can do is celebrate every moment and do our best to plan and be prepared for when that day inevitably comes. 

The best way to do this is to ensure that your family is supported and financially secure. There are so many life insurance policy options that can offer your family the relief they deserve in a time of mourning. Life insurance policies can also cover end-of-life costs and expenses, including a funeral or a celebration of life. 

Rather than having to worry about getting money together for those expenses, a life insurance plan will allow your loved ones to mourn and grieve together, rather than stress about the financial burden a funeral is putting on them. 

If you’re shopping around for life insurance in Laurel, MD, be sure to contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. An agent with experience can guide you through the process of selecting a suitable life insurance policy and give you peace of mind along the way.

Do You Need Commercial Insurance For An Online Business?

Suppose you have a killer internet business idea. The business plan is in check, and you have already accumulated enough funds to execute your e-business in Laurel, MD. But have you thought about commercial insurance from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial?

Yes, your business may not have a physical location, but that doesn’t mean it’s free from business risks. Do you have an online business? Do you know the business insurance options to consider? Here are a few commercial insurance coverages you can incorporate into your business.

Cyber liability

If you have a heavy online presence, it makes sense to invest in coverage that protects your data. Whether stolen or leaked, having your data out there is never a good thing. And worse yet, recovering from a data leak can be an expensive affair. For this reason, you must invest in cyber liability insurance to take care of the below costs following an online attack:

  • Business interruption costs
  • Notification costs
  • Legal costs
  • Public relations costs
  • Negotiation costs

General liability coverage

Online and brick-and-mortar businesses must invest in general business liability to protect themselves when accused of bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury. For instance, if your product causes harm to users, liability insurance covers medical costs and ensuing legal expenses.

Worker’s comp insurance

Do you have employees in your e-business? If yes, you must invest in worker’s comp insurance to protect your workers when accidents happen in your business. And that’s not all. This coverage covers partial loss of income when an employee can’t resume work because of injuries sustained.

Commercial property insurance

This coverage protects your business assets, including IT equipment, inventories, and so on. If you don’t want to start from scratch after the unthinkable, invest in commercial property insurance.

Protect your business today with commercial insurance!

If you are shopping or renewing your commercial insurance, look no further than Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD. We will provide you with a formidable business insurance policy that covers your business needs.

Stay Protected With Home Insurance

Home insurance is a must if you own a home. It offers many different types of coverage all in one policy. When you have a home policy, you are protected against a wide range of accidents and disasters. If you don’t have home insurance yet, it’s time to get a policy to protect yourself and your future. Give us a call today at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD.

Your House

Your house itself needs protection, and it gets it from a home insurance policy. This coverage protects the house if it is damaged or destroyed by an incident that is covered by the policy. When the worst happens and whether there are repairs or rebuilding needed, the policy will pay for it. Trying to pay for significant damage done to a home without home insurance is simply too expensive for most people, making this coverage vital for protecting your future. 

Your Possessions

Another type of coverage included in home insurance is coverage for your belongings in the home. If there is a serious incident and items are broken or destroyed, your home policy can pay for those damages. Imagine trying to replace everything in a home without having this insurance. It would be impossible for most people to do. This coverage is a much-needed way to stay protected. 

Your Liability

When you have a third party in your home and that person becomes injured, you can be held responsible for the medical bills and other costs, including lost wages. When you have a home policy, it includes coverage for liability. This can be extremely helpful in the event that someone is injured. When you have this policy, the injured party doesn’t have to sue you to get their medical bills paid. 

Get Your Home Insurance

To get started with a home insurance policy, contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD.

Benefits of Full Coverage vs. State Minimums

Benefits of Full Coverage vs. State Minimums

When you purchase auto insurance in the state of Maryland, the state provides minimum requirements. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial wants you to understand why sticking with those though, does not provide you with the full coverage you need to protect your vehicle.

In Maryland, you must purchase liability insurance to legally operate your vehicle on public roads. The minimum insurance includes:

  • bodily injury coverage per person in the amount of $30,000,
  • bodily injury coverage per accident in the amount of $60,000,
  • property damage coverage per accident in the amount of $15,000.

Any accident in Laurel MD probably damaged both vehicles, but the state-required insurance only protects the other person’s vehicles and only pays for their injuries. You would need to pay out of pocket for all the repairs to your own vehicle plus your medical bills if you caused the accident. If police find you at fault for the accident, your insurance pays for the other people involved.

You can purchase collision insurance to cover the damage to your own vehicle. Even if you become involved in a single-car accident, this coverage pays for vehicle repairs. Similarly, if you were minding your own business when a tree fell on your car, comprehensive coverage pays for the damage. The combination of collision and comprehensive protects you against virtually every incident that can damage your vehicle, including deer running out in front of it.

Purchasing personal injury protection provides you with medical coverage regardless of who caused the accident. It covers your passengers, too. This works with any health insurance you have to cover all of your medical bills.

Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial serving Laurel, MD to talk about full coverage auto insurance for your vehicle. We can help protect your financial future and provide you the insurance to pay for medical bills and car repairs if you get into an accident.

Do I Need Life Insurance if I Do Not Have Kids?

Life insurance makes sense for most, especially parents, because it is a way to ensure the family is provided for should something unexpectedly happen. However, those who do not have children often ask if they need life insurance coverage. Life insurance offers Laurel, MD residents more than just financial security for families; it can help with financial planning and future money management. Call the Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial experts to discuss how life insurance can benefit you, even if you do not have kids. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself when determining if you need life insurance: 

Could you support yourself in the event something happened to your spouse? 

Life insurance helps replace the loss of income in the event a family member or partner prematurely dies. Therefore, it is necessary for couples to have life insurance, especially if they cannot survive without the other’s income. However, life insurance may not be essential if a significant amount of savings is built up or each partner could support themselves and maintain their current lifestyle should something unexpected happen. 

Do you have anyone depending on you? 

Even if you do not have children, you may have someone depending on you, other than a spouse. For example, are you caring for elderly parents? Do you share the debt with anyone else, such as a joint mortgage? Would someone else be financially impacted if something were to happen to you? These are all things to consider when deciding whether to purchase life insurance. 

Do you have a lot of debt? 

Those with a lot of debt, especially debt someone else has cosigned for, may want to consider purchasing life insurance. These debts may include an auto loan, credit card, or student loans where someone cosigned for you. 

Those in Laurel, MD, with questions about life insurance policies, can reach out to the experts at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial for answers to their questions. 

Understanding Maryland Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance is instrumental for Laurel, MD business owners who want to safeguard their livelihood from financial constraints that usually culminate in accidents like a client’s slip and fall or a worker sustaining an injury. Those in the Laurel, MD area and dream of becoming business owners should weigh the option of operating a business. Are you a Laurel, MD resident operating or have an ambition of starting a business? We customize insurance plans in Maryland designed to suit your business insurance needs and budget. Don’t hesitate to contact our agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to protect your profits as your business grows.

Is commercial insurance mandatory in Maryland?

Maryland requires business entities with one or more employees to maintain workers’ comp insurance. This policy is designed to cater to employee’s medical bills for work-related injuries and general ailments. The state also advocates for commercial auto insurance to have a minimum liability limit, including bodily injury and property damage. Apart from the state’s mandated requirements, you need to consider other essential coverage options in Maryland.

General liability insurance: This policy is tailored to cover potential medical bills and prevailing legal fees. It also covers offenses like libel and copyright infringement. For resistance, a client is injured within your business premises propagated either by you or your employees; in that case, general liability kicks in and protects you.

Property insurance: It covers your building and contents, together with any resulting impact on your business income after a covered peril like fire, theft, or any other form of calamity.

Cyber liability insurance: Helps your business entity respond to a data breach if personally established information gets lost or stolen. Business entities store vital personal information for their customers. It protects your business from data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Business interruption insurance: Sometimes, your business may be interrupted by the occurrence of a given disaster or even a hacking incident. This policy is forged to safeguard your business during covered events to replace the money you would have made or provide funds to operate in an alternate location temporarily.

Are you a resident of Laurel, MD searching for salient commercial insurance to protect your business and employees? Please call or visit our Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial for more information about commercial insurance coverage. 

Stay Protected With Home Insurance

There is a lot to take care of when you own a home, and one of these is to find a good home insurance policy and to keep it in place for as long as you own the home. If you need a home policy, give us a call at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD.

Your House

The house itself needs to be insured, and it is covered with a home policy. The policy covers specific types of damage to the house itself and may extend to outdoor structures like sheds and fences. This coverage helps you to repair the home after it has suffered damage from a covered accident, calamity or other incidents. Repairs can quickly go into the thousands of dollars, even if the damage isn’t extensive. Without this coverage, it may be extremely difficult to get repairs made. 

Your Possessions

Like the protection that you have for your dwelling, you also need that protection for your belongings. With your home policy, your possessions are covered against them being damaged, ruined or destroyed. It’s common for all of the belongings in a house to be just as valuable as the house itself if not more so. This is important coverage that every homeowner needs. 

Liability Protection

Just like your house and your possessions, your liability needs to be covered as well to leave you fully protected. This coverage pays for the medical bills of those who fall ill or get injured while in your home or on your property. Without this coverage, it would be up to you to pay them all. 

Get Your Home Coverage

If you don’t have home insurance, it’s time to remedy that problem. Contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD to find out more from an insurance agent. 

3 essential questions to ask yourself before getting auto insurance

While consumer needs change frequently, it’s always a prudent idea to assess your needs before buying anything in Laurel, MD, including insurance. Car insurance plays a critical role in keeping you financially responsible in case of an accident. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we recommend reviewing your car insurance policy annually to ensure it is up to date with your current lifestyle and budget. With that said, here are three questions to ask yourself when buying car insurance.

How often do you drive?

If you need to use your car every day–to drive to work, take the kids to school, buy groceries or tour the world, you will need to know how many miles you use every month to reflect on your policy. How often you use your vehicle also determines your risk of getting into an accident. If you’re always on the roads, you’re at a higher risk compared to a person who only uses their car during weekends. 

Who else will be driving your vehicle?

When buying car insurance for the first time, it’s always critical to think about other people who may use the car either as drivers or passengers. Both parties are covered in your policy, but your insurance company may need you to list the names of people allowed to drive your car. Remember, if you are listing teenagers who will be driving your car often, your insurance rates will likely go up.

What type of car are you driving?

The type of car you drive heavily affects your insurance costs in many ways. For instance, vehicles with fewer safety features are considered riskier than those with many safety features. Expensive cars are also at risk of getting stolen as they attract massive attention.

Buying auto insurance for the first time in Laurel, MD? Feel free to contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial and get yourself a customized policy that matches your insurance needs and budget.

Why life insurance is becoming an essential financial security plan for many people

Everyone buys insurance with the aim of saving some money on a rainy day. However, when it comes to life insurance, people buy the policy to protect their loved ones financially once they’re gone. In truth, irrespective of what you earn, nobody knows tomorrow, and if you pass away as the sole breadwinner of your family, the result could be devastating for your loved ones. That’s not the only reason why everyone in Laurel, MD, is buying life insurance. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial explains other compelling reasons for buying life insurance.

To protect your loved ones after you’re gone

If your loved ones depend on your financial support, you should seriously consider buying life insurance for this specific reason. Life insurance generally replaces your income when you die. Your loved ones can pay school fees, pay for their daily expenses or even offset the loans you left behind.

You can achieve other long-term goals

Life insurance helps you achieve solid investment goals, especially long-term goals such as buying a home or planning your retirement. Different types provide varying investment options that work depending on your needs.

Life insurance is cheaper when you’re younger

If it’s cheaper when you’re younger, why not buy it when you can afford it? Remember, as you grow older, you have more responsibilities, age and diseases catch up with you, and your policy costs increase. By the time you’re 85, it’s too late to buy life insurance as most Insurance companies in Laurel MD, don’t sell insurance to people above that age.

Peace of mind

Like any other policy, life insurance provides you with the peace of mind that your loved ones will do just fine without you around. You really can never tell when you’ll pass away, and instead of worrying about death, the least you can do is have enough insurance to sort various financial needs.

If you haven’t bought your life insurance, don’t wait any longer. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help you find a policy that fits your budget and needs. Call us today.

How will commercial insurance protect a Laurel business?

The Laurel, MD area can be a great place to establish and grow a small company. While you can have a lot of success in this area of the state, there are always risks that come with running a business. A way that you can protect against some of these risks is by getting a commercial insurance plan. This coverage will protect a business in a few different ways.

Offset Liability Risk

Anyone that is going to run a business should spend time assessing their liability risks. No matter what type of business run, whenever you’re dealing with customers and selling a product or service there is a chance that you could be named in a liability claim if a customer incurs a loss due to the use of your offering.As damages in a liability suit can be expensive, finding a way to mitigate this risk is important. With a commercial insurance plan here, you’re going to receive liability insurance to offset this concert.

Protect Company Assets

Business owners should also get a commercial plan to ensure they are getting coverage for their business assets. Businesses are going to need to acquire many assets that are used to support and grow the company. As losing these assets could be devastating, getting insurance for it is important. A commercial insurance plan will give coverage to protect these assets. 

Ultimately, having a commercial insurance plan for your business in the Laurel, MD area is always a good idea. When you are shopping for a plan in this area, calling the team with Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is a smart decision. There are a lot of choices to make when you are looking for coverage and Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help you evaluate your options to ensure you choose an ideal policy for your company.