How Life Insurance Protects Your Loved Ones

Life insurance is a great way to protect your family in the event of your death and help you have increased peace of mind. If you’re in the Laurel, MD area and looking for help to choose the right policy, Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help. Our trusted and dedicated agents can provide quotes and information from several insurers, helping you compare policies in one place and choose the best coverage for your needs.

Know What Life Policy to Choose

Before choosing a life policy, you want to make sure you’re focusing on the most important aspect of it, which is protecting the people you care about after you’re gone. To do that more effectively, you need to have an idea of what they’ll need in the way of help and support and for how long. Then, you can choose the level of coverage that will keep them safe and give them less to worry about during a time of grief and sadness until they can get on their feet again.

It’s not always easy to choose a life policy, and many people don’t want to talk about it because it’s an uncomfortable subject for them. That’s understandable, as most people don’t like thinking about their own demise. However, you can give your family big benefits and a lot of comfort when you take the time to get a policy that will provide them with the protection they need and deserve.

Get in touch with us today at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial if you’re in the Laurel, MD area and need a life insurance policy. We can help you find a new one or adjust and update the one you already have. Then you and your family can focus on enjoying life together, knowing protection is in place.

Why You Need Liability Coverage in Your Home Insurance Policy

When you own a home, you take on a lot of responsibility. You’re particularly liable for anything that happens in your home. One of the things that can happen in your home is that people could get into accidents. Your home insurance policy comes with several different coverage types, and one of these is liability coverage. It’s there just in case of an accident occurring on your property. If you need home insurance, we’re here to help. Call us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD.

Protect Against Accidents With Injuries

It’s possible for someone who comes onto your property to suffer an accident there. Often, this means the person becomes injured as a result. When someone is injured on your property, you’re generally liable for the bills from those injuries. There are a lot of expenses that the person can have as a result of their injury. This generally means you’ll owe for their medical bills and any ongoing care they’ll need after the injury. Sometimes, this means multiple operations, or it may be physical therapy sessions. The bills may also include legal bills from going to court about the accident. 

Essential Liability Coverage

When these bills are stacked up, it can seem pretty hopeless. However, that’s what home insurance is for. It will pay these bills so that you won’t have to come up with the money yourself. This coverage is extremely important to have for this reason. If you had to pay everything by yourself, it could mean severe financial problems and possibly going into debt to pay for it all. 

Get Home Insurance in Maryland

If you still need a home insurance policy, call us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD.

Things You Should Ask When Shopping For Auto Insurance

Responsible drivers and car owners know that having proper car insurance is extremely important. It protects a car owner/driver, vehicle, and passengers. If you want to ensure you get the right policy, you should ask the right questions. Here is a list of several options that you should always ask an agent when shopping for insurance:

What Type of Coverage Do I Need?

You should be aware of different coverage types, such as liability, collision, comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and others. Talk to an insurance agent to discuss your insurance needs and determine your coverage types. 

How Much Deductible Should I Have?

Your deductible is the out-of-pocket amount before your insurance kicks in and covers the rest. It would be best if you chose a deductible you can easily afford. 

How Is Your Premium Calculated?

Understand the factors that impact your monthly premium. These factors usually include your driving history, car make and model, age, and location. Knowing this can help you make an informed decision about your insurance policy.

Can I Customize My Policy?

Ask an insurance agent whether it is possible to customize your policy to fit your specific insurance needs. The ability to adjust your insurance policy can ensure that you are not paying for unnecessary extras. 

What Is the Claims Process Like?

Learn as much as possible about filing a claim. It would be best to learn about the expected response time and the insurer’s track record for customer service. A smooth claims process in stressful situations such as a car accident is extremely important. 

If you live in Laurel, MD, and are shopping for auto insurance, Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is ready to assist you and provide all the necessary assistance. Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving clients in Laurel, MD, and other nearby towns, to learn more about all the available insurance options.

Do Freelancers Need Commercial Insurance?

If you’re a freelancer, you know planning for the unexpected is important. Whether you’re just getting your start in the gig economy or you’ve been freelancing for years, protecting yourself is vital for both your peace of mind and your emotional well-being. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we’re proud to offer Laurel, MD residents various insurance policies to meet your needs. Here, we’ll explore whether you need to consider purchasing a commercial insurance policy to protect your interests as a freelancer.

What Type of Insurance Does a Freelancer Need?

Several different types of policies can be helpful for freelancers. General liability insurance can help to protect you against accidents, like if a client has a slip and fall issue when entering your office for a meeting. This type of policy can cover many potential incidents faced by freelancers. 

Do Freelancers Need Commercial Insurance?

In a word, maybe. Commercial insurance can provide additional protection and may be necessary if you own a business property. You may also want to consider commercial insurance if you regularly drive for your business and don’t feel comfortable with only using your auto insurance policy to ensure that you’re protected. Your insurance agent will be able to work with you to help you decide whether a commercial insurance policy is the right fit for your freelancing business.

Reach Out to Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, Serving Laurel, MD, Today

If you’re a freelancer who is curious about what type of insurance coverage makes sense for you, we’re here to help! Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD, today to learn more.

Four things consumers need to know about life insurance

Buying life insurance is one of the best things you can do to show that you’re looking out for your family in Laurel, MD. When you purchase life insurance from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, there are a few things you need to know.

The following are four things consumers need to know about life insurance. 

Consumers typically need to undergo a medical exam when they buy life insurance. 

Life insurance providers usually require a medical exam when a consumer signs up for one of their plans. These medical exams are meant to ascertain the policyholder’s health condition. 

If you don’t want to undergo a medical exam, you will have to look for policies that are specifically classified as no medical exam policies. 

Your life insurance policy can lapse if you miss a payment.

After buying life insurance, you need to prioritize paying your premiums. If you miss a payment, you may find that your policy lapses and your family is no longer protected. 

You can choose how much coverage to buy depending on the financial needs of your beneficiaries.

When you buy life insurance, you can choose how much you want the death benefit to be. The death benefit is the money that the policy pays out if you pass away and a claim is filed.

Consumers should do the math and determine a death benefit amount that will allow their beneficiaries to remain financially secure without the policyholder’s income. 

There are several types of life insurance available.

Available life insurance types include term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. It would be best to learn how each of these coverage types works before you choose a policy.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we provide life insurance to consumers in Laurel, MD. Are you in the market for an insurance policy that will protect your family’s financial future? Call us today for a quote!

Protecting Your Valuables: How Home Insurance Covers Jewelry and Collectibles

Your home is filled with memorable items, from family heirlooms to expensive jewelry and collectibles. While your home insurance offers protection, it’s essential to understand how it covers these valuables. Read along as Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial explains, serving the Laurel, MD area.

1. Standard Home Insurance

Most home insurance policies provide coverage for personal property, including jewelry and collectibles. However, the coverage amount is often limited, which may not fully protect high-value items. Standard policies also typically cover common perils like theft and fire.

2. Scheduled Personal Property

You can opt for scheduled personal property coverage to protect valuable items like jewelry, antiques, or fine art. This involves listing and appraising each item, ensuring they’re adequately covered. While it may increase your premium, it offers comprehensive protection.

3. Additional Riders

Some insurers offer specific riders or endorsements to enhance coverage for valuable items. These riders can provide broader protection against various risks, including accidental damage or loss.

4. Appraisals and Documentation

Maintain records, appraisals, and photographs of your valuable possessions. These documents can help streamline the claims process and ensure you receive fair compensation for loss or damage.

Home insurance can protect your valuables, but assessing whether your existing coverage is sufficient is essential. Scheduled personal property coverage or additional riders may be necessary for high-value items like jewelry and collectibles. By taking proactive steps and working closely with your insurer, you can safeguard your treasured possessions. If you have questions about how your home insurance policy may cover your jewelry and collectibles, Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving the greater Laurel, MD area, would love to help you. Call us to schedule an appointment.

Does Auto Insurance Cover Wild Animal Damage?

Auto insurance protects you from risks while on and off the road. Customizing your coverage to offer protection from unexpected events such as wild animal damage is also possible. Let the Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial experts help you get the insurance coverage you need to prevent loss. We proudly serve the residents in and around the Laurel, MD, area. 

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage 

If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, it will protect your vehicle from mishaps and incidents that are non-collision or liability-related. In instances where wild animals damage your vehicle, your comprehensive insurance coverage will provide protection. Examples of feral animal damage can include bears, moose, deer, and raccoons.

If you need to obtain high-quality, comprehensive Auto insurance, our experts can help. We can determine which levels of coverage are necessary to offer you the best blanket of protection against the unexpected. We take the time to learn which policy options match your needs and assist you with submitting documentation to acquire your insurance quickly. We also educate our customers on each policy’s terms and conditions so they can be well informed. We aim to provide insurance products and services that offer peace of mind.

Find Out More 

Having adequate auto insurance coverage is essential to prevent loss associated with risk. If you would like to learn more about comprehensive or any other insurance product we offer, please get in touch with us. Feel free to call or stop by the Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial office, proudly serving Laurel, MD. Don’t guess when it comes to securing your auto insurance coverage. Let us work with you to help you feel secure on and off the road.

What Happens If Auto Insurance Lapses?

Auto insurance is probably one of your most important monthly expenses because the consequences of losing your insurance are steep. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD, and the surrounding areas, we want to help our customers avoid these consequences. Let’s learn more about what happens if auto insurance lapses. 

Legal Consequences 

First, you should know that there are legal consequences for driving without insurance. If you are caught driving without the proper insurance in place, the police do have the right to suspend your license. This can have far-reaching effects on your entire life. This could affect your job, it could affect your relationships, and if you’re in school, it could affect your ability to get back and forth to school as well. You always need to keep auto insurance current to avoid these consequences. 

Financial Consequences 

The other damaging consequence you might face would be financial. Auto insurance was created to help protect motorists from the steep financial consequences of accidents. Having an accident, even if you were the only vehicle involved, is expensive. If your car is damaged or lost, the repairs or replacement of that vehicle must be addressed  If other cars are involved, then you are responsible for the repairs or replacement of all vehicles involved. 

If there were also injuries in the accident, you would be held legally liable to pay for those expenses if you were found to be at fault. All these expenses add up quickly and could spell out financial disaster for you if you were required to pay for these expenses by yourself. Auto insurance protects you from this and pays for these expenses on your behalf.

To learn more about auto insurance, please get in touch with us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD, and the surrounding areas. 

Home Security Tips to Prevent Burglary

Home insurance protects you from burglary and other risks that can lead to financial loss. By taking measures to secure your home, however, you can discourage thieves from targeting your property. The following home security tips from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD can help protect your valuables from the risk of burglary.

Lock Up!

Lock your windows and doors (including garage doors) at night and anytime you leave your home. Leave one or two lights on if you plan to be back after dark. For extended trips, use automatic timers to turn on critical lamps to give the appearance that someone is home.

Stop Deliveries

If you’ll be gone for a week or more, put a hold on your mail and newspapers while you’re gone or ask a neighbor to retrieve these items so it doesn’t appear that no one’s home.

Security Checks

Check the locks on your windows and doors periodically to ensure they’re secure. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors. Change your locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen.

Keep Outdoor Gear Out of Sight

Store your lawn mower, gas grill, bike, and other outdoor equipment in your garage or storage shed where it’s out of sight of would-be thieves and burglars.

Install Outside Security Lights

Install motion-detection security lights in strategic locations around your home. A well-lit home is less likely to be targeted by thieves.

Install an Alarm System

Install an alarm system to protect your family and property for greater peace of mind. There are all kinds of alarm systems to choose from to meet your home’s security needs.  

These tips, combined with quality home insurance coverage, will protect your property from theft and burglary. Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD today for all your home insurance needs.

Required Commercial Insurance in Maryland

When you own a business in Maryland, you need certain types of business insurance. Commercial insurance is required for many businesses, while some don’t require it. Find out which types of commercial insurance may be required for your business. Call us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD when you need commercial insurance.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance 

Workers’ compensation is a type of commercial insurance that most businesses in Maryland are required to have. Any business that has employees must have this type of insurance. This is true whether you have one employee or one hundred or more. It’s also required for part-time employees as well as full-time workers. Many expenses can come from an injury that happens at work. You’re generally responsible for the bills when you have an injured employee. This can include medical bills as well as disability payments. When you have this type of commercial insurance, it will pay for those bills, so your business won’t suffer. 

Commercial Auto Insurance 

Your business will own several things, and one or more vehicles may be among them. When a business in Maryland owns a vehicle, it has to be covered by a commercial auto insurance policy. These are required to have different types of coverage in them. These are bodily injury liability and property damage liability. If your work vehicle gets into an accident or otherwise causes damage, this policy will pay for those damages up to its limit. The amounts required in the state are relatively low, so it may be a good idea to add some coverage to the required minimum amounts. If you have a trucking business, you might have other coverage types to comply with the law. 

Get Commercial Insurance 

Get your business insurance through us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel,  MD.