Things you may need to do after a Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

After you’ve had a big winter storm blow through the Mid-Atlantic region, there are often lingering problems. Maryland can be particularly hard hit, especially in places like Laurel. If you’re one of the people who’ve seen your home or auto damaged by a bad storm, it’s time to talk to your insurance company and make a claim. Sure, you want to clean up the mess, but you also want the adjuster to clearly see the damage that was done. Leave things where they are if possible. If you can’t do that, take good, clear pictures of the damage and document everything.

That way you’ll have a better chance of making sure that the damage is understood and paid for. Your insurance company will have questions for you, so make sure you answer all of them honestly. It’s much better to be upfront, even if you’re concerned that could affect whether you’re covered or not. You may also need to have your home or auto inspected, in order to determine whether unseen damage was done. A roof problem, for example, could affect your home at a later date by causing leaks.

Don’t just assume everything is fine if you don’t see any obvious damage. It’s always best to check things out, and if you have any questions you should call in a professional to assess the structure. It can get expensive to have someone examine your home every time there’s a storm, but if you have it done after a particularly bad storm you can see what the inspector looks at so you’ll know what to look for the next time there’s a storm. Damage that you can spot because of your new knowledge may be something that can be fixed much more easily than damage that was allowed to continue. That will save you and your insurance company money.

What to Consider when Purchasing Commercial Coverage in Laurel, Maryland

If you need commercial insurance coverage, you may feel confused about what you should get and what kind of limits your policy should have. If you’re in Laurel, Maryland, come see us and let us help you get your insurance needs met. As an independent agent, we can work with many different types of companies so you get the best rates and the most coverage for your money. Commercial insurance isn’t the same as residential coverage, and your policy will have different limits and exclusions. When you work with an independent agent like us, you can have peace of mind that we’ve got you covered the right way, with the right limits.

While you want to be sure you have enough insurance coverage, you also don’t want to overpay for coverage you really don’t need and won’t use. Overpaying is common when consumers need commercial insurance, because they often aren’t sure what to get and how much it should cost them. That’s true for insurance on their buildings, and also for coverage on the autos they use in that business.

No matter what kind of business you operate, we understand your desire for good insurance coverage at a low price. We want to help you find the best policy for your company, so you can have peace of mind. We’ll help you with the level of insurance you need, how much you want (and can afford) to pay, and what to do if you need to make a claim. While you can’t always prevent an accident, a fire, or another problem, you can prevent financial ruin by making sure you’re covered properly. Don’t just pick a company and choose a policy. Work with us to make sure that your business has what it needs to feel protected and safe.

Is Renter’s Insurance a Requirement in Maryland?

In the state of Maryland renter’s have the choice to protect their personal belongings with an insurance product designed to meet their needs. There are some people who have to have this kind of policy and there are some who get to chose whether or not they need one. Here are some situations when a person may be under a requirement to buy renter’s insurance in Maryland.

When Renter’s Insurance Becomes a Requirement

  • As a renter there will be times when you will have to have a renter’s insurance policy. Even though it may not be required by law some landlords can actually require you to buy a policy. In the event of a loss the landlord will not pay for your belongings should they ever be lost. So they make it a requirement for you to carry a policy to protect yourself and themselves at the same time.
  • Sometime’s situations make having a policy a requirement. For instance, if you live in a high risk environment, then you may feel the need to buy renter’s insurance.
  • Placing your personal belongs in storage in Laurel Maryland may make you take out a renter’s policy. In some cases it may be beneficial for you to protect your belongings while it is being stored. Having your items out in the open in a storage unit can attract attention to possible theft. a renter’s policy helps take the worry out of storing your items.

Having an insurance policy is an essential part of renting a place to live. If you have any questions, then contact your independent agent today and see if a renter’s policy is right for you. You can have the protection you need for your personal belongings for just a few dollars per month.

The Savings of Using a Local Independent Insurance Agent to Purchase a Policy in Laurel, Maryland

You want to save money on your insurance costs. You could call that big company that you’ve seen ads for, but chances are good that’s not the most affordable or even the best option for you. In fact, for the biggest savings, turn locally. By working with a local independent agent, you’ll get what you need and get it within your budget.

How Local Agents Save You Money

There are many ways a local independent agent can save you money. The biggest benefit provided is the ability to compare policies across many providers. Instead of getting the rates of just one company, you can get the rates and policy options for numerous companies. That way, you always know what all of your options are, including local and national insurance providers.

Another benefit is the ability to get a policy customized for you. These agents work to get to know you and to find out what your risk factors are. You don’t want to pay for a policy that will leave you stranded when you need help the most. The best providers ensure that saving money on insurance doesn’t mean you end up with an inferior product.

Even better, our Laurel, Maryland providers will work with you closely to ensure you get the help you need when you do need to file a claim. We know the area and we know your needs. It’s nice to have someone to call on for help right away no matter what happens or when it occurs.

To get an independent agent quote for the most affordable insurance policy to purchase, contact our office today. Doing so is one of the simplest things you can do and it could make the biggest investment in your future.

What you need to know about Accident Forgiveness in Maryland

Accident forgiveness – This is something that most Laurel, Maryland drivers probably think sounds like a good idea. However, do you understand exactly what it entails and how it can help you when it comes time to make a claim on your auto insurance?

When you are in an accident, the costs pile up. If you are at-fault, you may have to pay for a traffic citation and you have to pay for your car repairs or insurance deductible and if you have any medical costs you will pay those too. However one cost that you face that will come back to haunt you time and again is that of increased insurance premiums.

This is where accident forgiveness starts to play a part on your insurance. This is something offered by many different insurance companies. Even if they do not advertise it, it is often available for those who ask. The idea is that the insurance company will forgive you for an infrequent accident by not raising your premiums. This can make a big difference in the price you pay for the long-run.

Something to keep in mind is that accident forgiveness only applies to that particular company. If you move to another insurer, you will likely have the accident factored into determining the premium.

If accident forgiveness is something that you think may benefit you, contact an independent agent to talk about it. Working with an independent agent is the best way to make certain you are getting all the insurance you need and not paying more than you need to for the coverage. We can help you determine if accident forgiveness is right for you and help tailor the perfect auto insurance policy for you in or around Laurel, Maryland.

Natural Disaster Insurance: Are you covered in Maryland?

If you are a homeowner in Maryland you need to know what natural disasters are and are not covered in your homeowner’s insurance policy, in the event your home and personal possessions are destroyed in a natural disaster. Read over your standard policy and if certain criteria are not listed, then you are not covered for that natural disaster. For example, you reside in Maryland so will be prone towards the high risk for flooding from hurricanes. No standard insurance policy will pay for flooding; you will have to have a flood policy active for at least 30 days before it will cover you and pay for damages.

Your basic homeowner’s policy will offer coverage for an extensive list of natural disasters that could cause damages to your property. Some of these covered situations include, but are not limited to fire, lightning, riots, explosions, hail, wind damage, smoke, falling objects, snow, weight of snow, ice and sleet.

If you do not find specifics listed in your policy then you are not covered, such as would be damages from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, sink holes and landslides, war and nuclear mishaps. Flooding is another episodic event that may or may not be covered for water damage.

You need to read every word of your policy and go over the coverage that you feel will be needed in order to make you as secure as possible, keeping your valuable investments secure. You will need to talk with your independent agent and then make decisions with some professional guidance. However, never leave these decisions the responsibility of your agent. It is your right and responsibility to make sure that you are covered and specifics are spelled out in your individual policy as to what your insurance company will pay.

When Can I Make Changes to my Auto Insurance Policy in Laurel, Maryland?

Your auto insurance policy was put together in order to give you the protection you need in order to drive a car. As life changes there is a need for you to be able to make changes to your auto policy. Residents living in Laurel Maryland should know that they can make changes to their auto by knowing some simple facts.

The Best Time to Make Changes to Your Auto Policy

  • One of the best times to make a change to your auto policy is when you are changing to another auto policy. When people make the move to change insurance companies they change because they find a better rate. Some people have been able to save hundreds every year and end up raising or lowering their limits to accommodate the price.
  • Another time people make changes to their policy is when the cost gets too expensive. Some people think that by lowering their coverage limits they will save some money. In some cases the price is lower but in some states the higher the limits the cheaper the policy.
  • A final time people make changes to their policy is when there is a need too. For instance, if you are trying to buy a Umbrella policy, then you may have to raise your limits in order to meet the requirements of the desired policy.

If you have any questions about making changes to your auto policy, then you need to speak with your independent agent. They can answer all your questions and even help make recommendations that will help make your policy better for you. Take the time today and have your insurance policy reviewed today. You just may find that the changes you make will enhance your policy.

How do Maryland Insurance Life Companies Classify Individuals for Rate Purposes?

As an insurance customer, you probably have many questions. One of those questions is “How do Maryland life insurance companies classify individual customers to determine the rate?” This is an important thing for you to understand, because it will help you figure out how to get the best possible rate for your life insurance policy.

Most insurance companies use four different groupings when determining classification of individuals. The names of these groups may vary from company to company, but they essentially boil down to the following:

  • Preferred – This rate group is for healthy, young adults who have low-risk jobs and take pains to remain healthy.
  • Standard – This is the average category and covers those who are of average health, or for healthy older adults.
  • Substandard – This category covers those who have chronic health conditions or pershps have a high risk job or hobby.
  • Uninsurable – Those who have terminal illness are uninsurable.

Since things vary greatly from one company to another, it pays to shop around. Also, it is important to remember that a company cannot drop you if you have been approved for coverage—unless you fail to pay your bill. So, it is very important that you stay up to date with your payments.

Spend some time looking over your options and try to determine which category you may fall. Then, contact your independent agent. Most of us (independent agents) are happy to help you go over your insurance possibilities and help you choose the right policy for you. Life insurance is a very important way to protect your family in the case of your unexpected death, so do not let the chance to keep them protected slip away from you. Contact your Maryland independent agent today and find the right policy for you and your family.

Is Insurance Coverage Required in Laurel, Maryland if My Car is Inoperable or Being Stored?

Maryland and most other states across the United States require proof of insurance in order to register your vehicle and all vehicles are registered required. If you reside in Laurel, Maryland and you own a vehicle that is either inoperable or being stored for any number of reasons, you will at least want to insure your vehicle against possible theft, vandalism, and fire to protect your investment.

If the inoperable or stored vehicle is not being driven it will still need to be registered with that state of Maryland and full coverage will need to stay intact if there is a lien on the vehicle. This full coverage insurance policy will remain in effect until the lien is paid in full, whether the vehicle is being driven or not.

If you have full ownership rights to the vehicle and there is no lien, then it is possible to take your information to the DMV of Maryland for special coverage for stored vehicles. If you let your coverage lapse on your stored vehicle, and have not taken the appropriate steps to obtain the right coverage, then your independent agent may have to notify the MVA of this cancelation. This generally means that you can be fined and receive points against your driving record. Some states require the agent to notify the DMV and they have no choice in the matter. If they do not take this step the company could be presented with a heavy fine.

If this state requests from you proof of policy you must have signed a certification. This is only issued by a state approved independent agent. Policies for stored or inoperable vehicles in this state is not expensive, and it will offer you the protection you need on your investment, the car is registered and you have remained within the boundaries of Maryland motor vehicle laws through the help of your independent agent.

When do you Need Short Term Car Insurance in Maryland?

In Laurel, Maryland, it is illegal to operate a vehicle without insurance on that vehicle. This is the rule of thumb throughout Maryland. States do fluctuate in the degree of fines that are put on drivers who operate a vehicle without active insurance coverage and some states being stricter than other states.

If you live in Maryland and are in a position where you need to purchase short term or temporary car insurance for a day up to 28 days, you can expect to pay a slightly higher premium. The question remains on just why you may need a short term policy.

Once instance would be if you are borrowing some else’s vehicle. Before driving any other person’s vehicle, check with your independent agent to make sure that you are covered. When borrowing another vehicle there are many risk factors that you might not consider, such as, fire, theft, vandalism and accident damages.

Another situation would be if you are shopping for a new or used vehicle and you want to take the vehicle for the day, you would want to make sure that you are covered in the event of an accident.

One more situation may be your college student is coming home for vacation break and will want to drive your car while home. Exercise caution and call your independent insurance agent and have the student added temporarily on your auto policy.

Some states require that anyone living in your household, and are a licensed driver must be on your car policy, even if the vehicle is going to be in close proximity to your home, be aware that many accidents happen close to home.

To be on the safe side call your independent agent and make sure that you have the right kind of short term coverage for your specific situation in Laurel, Maryland.