Commercial Insurance Coverage Options in Maryland

When you live in Maryland and want to open a business, one of the things you want to be sure about is your commercial insurance coverage options. We can help you with that. As an independent agent, we work with a lot of different companies. That lets us compare prices and show you different policy options. Price matters, of course, but there’s more to the issue of insuring your business than just how much it costs. You also have to focus on the value that you’re getting for the money, and you need to make sure the coverage you’re getting is right for you.

When you open a business in or around Laurel, the type of business you’re getting into will affect what policy you need. Some home-based businesses, for example, don’t really need anything beyond the regular homeowners insurance. Other businesses that are operated in a person’s home will need a business policy because of customer liability. All businesses that are not run from home have to have commercial policies that protect the business from liability and that also protect the building if the company owner also owns that building. Many businesses rent their spaces, though, and don’t need to insure the structure itself.

Liability is the most important part of business insurance. If someone is injured by your product, or if a person is hurt on your property, you’ll have to make sure your insurance will pay for the damages. You could still be sued, but having good insurance is one of the best ways to avoid lawsuits and to avoid the loss of your business through financial problems. You can’t plan for everything when you own and run a business, but by talking to an independent agent like us you can focus on protecting yourself from many of the financial problems that come from a lack of insurance coverage.

What you need to know about Property Damage Coverage in Laurel, Maryland?

When you have property that’s your own, like a home or a car, you obviously want to protect it so you don’t have to worry about damage. Unfortunately, you can’t always keep damage from occuring – and that’s why you have insurance. Your Maryland property can be repaired or replaced, but only if you have the financial ability to do so. If you protect your Laurel home and your auto with a good insurance policy, you’ll be able to get back what you’ve lost if something should happen to the material things you hold dear.

The best way to get the right property damage coverage is to come see us. As an independent agent, we can work with a lot of different companies to get you the best rates for the most comprehensive coverage available to you. You can link your home and auto policies together and get a discount, and if you have other specific property needs we can talk about how best to insure them, as well. You need to know that property damage coverage isn’t always going to protect everything, and that there are some kinds of disasters that won’t be covered under a standard policy.

There are riders and additional policies available for things like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Whether you need additional policies, and whether you need riders for specific types of property, are things we can help you determine. If you have a grand piano or expensive jewelry, for example, you may want to have additional coverage specifically for those kinds of items, to make sure you have enough coverage to protect you in a property disaster. The same is true with your car policy. Collision and comprehensive insurance are good choices, because they provide you with more protection and peace of mind than just the minimum liability.

What are the Liability Insurance Requirements for Drivers in Washington DC?

Just like all of the states, if you live in our nation’s capitol, you are required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. Washington DC is a no-fault District which means that you must carry both liability insurance for damage you may cause to another person or vehicle and also carry uninsured motorist coverage in case you are injured or your property is damaged by another driver who does not have insurance.

Under the Washington DC Compulsory No-Fault Motor Vehicle Act, drivers must maintain minimum auto liability insurance of 25/50/10. In other words, you must have $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage in case you injure the driver of another vehicle and a total of $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for all other individuals who may also require medical attention. In addition, the minimum requirements are $10,000 for any property damage that you may cause.

Because Washington DC auto insurance is no-fault and not like some other states where auto liability insurance is based on tort law and the at-fault driver bears the financial burden, drivers are also required to carry uninsured motorist liability coverage. This coverage protects you, the driver, in the event you get into an accident with an uninsured driver.

Uninsured bodily injury liability coverage minimums are $25,000 for a single person injured in an accident by a driver with no insurance and $50,000 for all people who may be injured by the uninsured driver in that same accident. Uninsured property damage liability is $5,000.

A large number of our clients buy policies that exceed the mandatory minimum requirements. The most popular liability policy is 100/300/50. It does not raise your premiums by too much and you will have much better coverage. If you would like to find out what coverage is best for you, give us a call and talk with an independent agent who can fill you in on all the details.

Why wait in long lines at the MVA? Mid Atlantic Tag & Title can issue yours Fast!

Ask anyone in Laurel, Maryland why they dread renewing their vehicle registration and they’ll tell you it’s the long lines. Waiting in line for up to hours at a time for tag and title service seems part and parcel to the MVA experience. In today’s fast-paced world where time is of the essence, chances are you’ll find yourself inconvenienced and frustrated at your local MVA office. Fortunately, Mid Atlantic offers a unique service that should make the aggravation of getting your registration done a thing of the past.

As an MVA-approved title service agency, Mid Atlantic Tag & Title provides a wide variety of services that would normally be handled at the MVA, save for licensing. These services include registration renewal, tag and title duplicates, tag returns and vehicle registration for new residents. Mid Atlantic is not only authorized to issue and renew plates, but the majority of their services can be done over the counter, saving you plenty of time and frustration. Mid Atlantic’s office hours are also designed to accommodate people whose busy schedules require a fair amount of flexibility. The end result is fast, professional service that makes skipping the MVA worthwhile.

Both auto dealers and the general public can benefit from Mid Atlantic’s tag and title services. Getting new plates, renewing stickers and receiving duplicate title and registration is made much easier and faster. Mid Atlantic is also a one-stop shop for auto insurance, thanks to its access and ability to compare prices among over a dozen well-known insurance providers. As your Maryland independent agent, we can give you the run-down on Mid Atlantic Tag & Title’s MVA-approved services, as well as offer you more ways to keep more money in your pocket when it comes to your insurance.

Tips on Preventing a Car Robbery in Laurel, Maryland

If you are a car owner, you know there are a lot of things you have to think about. One of the most difficult to have to handle is dealing with a stolen car. Instead of dealing with the repercussions of that, it is generally easier to work at preventing the auto theft from occurring in the first place. Follow these tips and you will be less likely to deal with a car robbery in the Laurel, Maryland area.

  • Keep your car locked. It may seem like common sense advice, but keeping your doors locked will prevent a lot of robberies from occurring in the first place.
  • Make sure you arm your car alarm. Even though many people do ignore them, a thief is less likely to pursue a car that is beeping at full volume than one that does not.
  • Choose a car that is less flashy. The flashiest cares are the ones most often targeted for theft. It is possible to have a very nice car that will not garner as much attention from thieves, just use common sense.
  • Do not park off by yourself. If you park out in the middle of nowhere you are more likely to be targeted by thieves.
  • Bring your car in your garage at night. If you have garage space anyway, it makes sense to use it.
  • If you are working late, try to park close to the front of the lot. More thefts occur in the early dusk hours than anytime.

As you can see, there are many ways you can go about reducing your risk of car robbery. Adding full insurance coverage that protects in case of theft is another great way that you can protect yourself. Talk to us about the options available and we can do a live quote comparison and find you the best possible price on your insurance as well.

Maryland Homeowners: Knowing what is Covered on your Home Insurance Policy for Natural Disasters

If you’ve lived in Maryland for awhile, you probably know that natural disasters happen in the area. The geographic location of the state makes it vulnerable to several different types of natural disaster. You may have even experienced an earthquake, a hurricane, a flood, a blizzard or even some other type of natural disaster wile you’ve lived there. With so many ways for mother nature to damage your home, it’s good to know just what, exactly, is covered by your homeowners insurance and what kind of damage you might end up paying for out of your own pocket.

Your home insurance coverage will take care of most emergencies like fire, normal damage from wind, ice and snow and such. It will also often cover damage from smoke, burst pipes, roof leaks and electrical problems. However, sometimes it will fall short in a major natural disaster. In particular, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes are often not covered by normal home insurance, especially in areas like Maryland where these kind of events happen fairly regularly. You can, however, purchase special coverage for each of these types of natural disasters if you are especially concerned about them.

If you’re unsure of what is covered by your home insurance policy, it’s always a good idea to check with your insurance agent or an independent agent in your area. If you live near Laurel, Maryland, and you are thinking about getting a new homeowners insurance policy, you need to call us. As an independent agent, we can get you live comparative quotes on home insurance coverage. This insures that you get the best deal on the coverage you want, even if you want to include extra coverage for natural disasters like hurricanes and floods.

Things you may need to do after a Mid-Atlantic Winter Storm

After you’ve had a big winter storm blow through the Mid-Atlantic region, there are often lingering problems. Maryland can be particularly hard hit, especially in places like Laurel. If you’re one of the people who’ve seen your home or auto damaged by a bad storm, it’s time to talk to your insurance company and make a claim. Sure, you want to clean up the mess, but you also want the adjuster to clearly see the damage that was done. Leave things where they are if possible. If you can’t do that, take good, clear pictures of the damage and document everything.

That way you’ll have a better chance of making sure that the damage is understood and paid for. Your insurance company will have questions for you, so make sure you answer all of them honestly. It’s much better to be upfront, even if you’re concerned that could affect whether you’re covered or not. You may also need to have your home or auto inspected, in order to determine whether unseen damage was done. A roof problem, for example, could affect your home at a later date by causing leaks.

Don’t just assume everything is fine if you don’t see any obvious damage. It’s always best to check things out, and if you have any questions you should call in a professional to assess the structure. It can get expensive to have someone examine your home every time there’s a storm, but if you have it done after a particularly bad storm you can see what the inspector looks at so you’ll know what to look for the next time there’s a storm. Damage that you can spot because of your new knowledge may be something that can be fixed much more easily than damage that was allowed to continue. That will save you and your insurance company money.

What to Consider when Purchasing Commercial Coverage in Laurel, Maryland

If you need commercial insurance coverage, you may feel confused about what you should get and what kind of limits your policy should have. If you’re in Laurel, Maryland, come see us and let us help you get your insurance needs met. As an independent agent, we can work with many different types of companies so you get the best rates and the most coverage for your money. Commercial insurance isn’t the same as residential coverage, and your policy will have different limits and exclusions. When you work with an independent agent like us, you can have peace of mind that we’ve got you covered the right way, with the right limits.

While you want to be sure you have enough insurance coverage, you also don’t want to overpay for coverage you really don’t need and won’t use. Overpaying is common when consumers need commercial insurance, because they often aren’t sure what to get and how much it should cost them. That’s true for insurance on their buildings, and also for coverage on the autos they use in that business.

No matter what kind of business you operate, we understand your desire for good insurance coverage at a low price. We want to help you find the best policy for your company, so you can have peace of mind. We’ll help you with the level of insurance you need, how much you want (and can afford) to pay, and what to do if you need to make a claim. While you can’t always prevent an accident, a fire, or another problem, you can prevent financial ruin by making sure you’re covered properly. Don’t just pick a company and choose a policy. Work with us to make sure that your business has what it needs to feel protected and safe.

Is Renter’s Insurance a Requirement in Maryland?

In the state of Maryland renter’s have the choice to protect their personal belongings with an insurance product designed to meet their needs. There are some people who have to have this kind of policy and there are some who get to chose whether or not they need one. Here are some situations when a person may be under a requirement to buy renter’s insurance in Maryland.

When Renter’s Insurance Becomes a Requirement

  • As a renter there will be times when you will have to have a renter’s insurance policy. Even though it may not be required by law some landlords can actually require you to buy a policy. In the event of a loss the landlord will not pay for your belongings should they ever be lost. So they make it a requirement for you to carry a policy to protect yourself and themselves at the same time.
  • Sometime’s situations make having a policy a requirement. For instance, if you live in a high risk environment, then you may feel the need to buy renter’s insurance.
  • Placing your personal belongs in storage in Laurel Maryland may make you take out a renter’s policy. In some cases it may be beneficial for you to protect your belongings while it is being stored. Having your items out in the open in a storage unit can attract attention to possible theft. a renter’s policy helps take the worry out of storing your items.

Having an insurance policy is an essential part of renting a place to live. If you have any questions, then contact your independent agent today and see if a renter’s policy is right for you. You can have the protection you need for your personal belongings for just a few dollars per month.

The Savings of Using a Local Independent Insurance Agent to Purchase a Policy in Laurel, Maryland

You want to save money on your insurance costs. You could call that big company that you’ve seen ads for, but chances are good that’s not the most affordable or even the best option for you. In fact, for the biggest savings, turn locally. By working with a local independent agent, you’ll get what you need and get it within your budget.

How Local Agents Save You Money

There are many ways a local independent agent can save you money. The biggest benefit provided is the ability to compare policies across many providers. Instead of getting the rates of just one company, you can get the rates and policy options for numerous companies. That way, you always know what all of your options are, including local and national insurance providers.

Another benefit is the ability to get a policy customized for you. These agents work to get to know you and to find out what your risk factors are. You don’t want to pay for a policy that will leave you stranded when you need help the most. The best providers ensure that saving money on insurance doesn’t mean you end up with an inferior product.

Even better, our Laurel, Maryland providers will work with you closely to ensure you get the help you need when you do need to file a claim. We know the area and we know your needs. It’s nice to have someone to call on for help right away no matter what happens or when it occurs.

To get an independent agent quote for the most affordable insurance policy to purchase, contact our office today. Doing so is one of the simplest things you can do and it could make the biggest investment in your future.