Where can I get the best Tag and Title service in Maryland for renewing my car registration?

If you’re looking to renew your car registration in the Laurel, Maryland area, you have some good options. One of the best choices is to get it done quickly and efficiently through Mid Atlantic. You won’t have to wait in long lines, and you’ll get great service that’s fast. It’s possible to do almost anything here that you’d do at the state MVA, so unless you have a complex title issue there shouldn’t be any problem. It’s very satisfying to be able to get your car tag and title quickly and get on with your day.

When you visit us, you can get your registration, a duplicate title, or agricultural plates, among other things. Most issues can be handled right there. If you’re new to the state and need to transfer your car, we can do that, too. We’ll be happy to welcome you to Maryland and make sure you get your vehicle transfer taken care of. With a friendly yet professional feel, we can provide you with help and information about the area. Our hours cater to you and your busy schedule, as well, so you won’t have to worry about how you’re going to get there before we close.

We want to help you save time, because we know time is money. Why would you want to stand in those long lines at the MVA when you can come see us, and get in and out a lot faster? We’re also affiliated with an insurance company, so you can take care of everything right in one place. Come get your title and tags, get a great insurance policy at a low price and you’ll be ready to hit the road and go on your next adventure.

Will my home insurance in Laurel, Maryland cover the damages to my furniture’s while relocating?

If you are relocating from your Laurel, Maryland home to a larger new home in Gaithersburg, Maryland, you will probably hire a moving company to transport your furniture and other contents of your old home to your new place. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly during the process and your household goods will arrive safely and undamaged. However, if the movers drop your television or tear a gash in the upholstery of your living room couch, someone should have to pay to fix the damage or replace the item.

You can always file a loss and damage claim with the moving company, but, that can be a long and arduous process. If they dispute the incident or want to investigate further, it might take you three months to get a settlement check.

On the other hand, your home insurance contents coverage will usually pay for the damage that is caused in your house, while in transit, or while unloading your personal contents at your new house. Coverage is limited to only items shown or not excluded on your home insurance policy. For instance, if you have an antique Tiffany lamp worth $50,000, most standard Maryland home insurance policies will not pay for damage or theft of that item.

However, if you purchased a rider or additional coverage for your original and very old Tiffany lamp, your home insurance policy will cover any damages up to the limit of your coverage. As your independent agent, we would advise you to first seek recovery from the mover if they were the cause of the damage. I, on the other hand, you rented a truck and made the move yourself, then you should file a claim with your home insurance provider.

This subject can get a little confusing. Why not give us a call and talk to an independent agent who can help you decide the best way to pursue a claim for damage to your furniture or other personal items when you are relocating.

How do I go about Tag & Title service for my car if I am new to Maryland state registration?

When you move to the town of Laurel, Maryland or any part of the Mid Atlantic for that matter, you have a lot of things that you have to take care of to prepare yourself to live in your new location. However, one of the more important tasks is getting the tag, title and registration for your car switched over to your new address. If you are moving from out of state, this can be especially difficult.

The “old way” of doing this involves spending time waiting in line at the tag office. The tag office is not the most enjoyable place to spend the day. Quite often, this can take hours of your time—even forcing you to take a full day off of work or school, just to get all your paperwork in order. If you are just moving to the area, and you may have just started working a new job, you likely cannot afford giving up this whole day of work.

Luckily, there is a solution! Since you need to get insurance before you can obtain that registration, wouldn’t it be nice if you could do it all in one place? Now you can. Mid Atlantic Tag and Title can help you find the best possible insurance for your particular situation then help you through the process of getting the tag and titled transferred to your new Maryland address.

When you come to Mid Atlantic, you will be treated professionally and will love the fast service. Additionally, you will save money—since you are working with an agent to help you get the perfect insurance policy for your particular situation. Instead of waiting in that line—come give Mid Atlantic Tag and Title a try. You will be glad you did!

Will my premium go high, If I add an additional driver to my car insurance policy in Laurel, Maryland?

If you have been insured with an auto insurance policy for any length of time in Laurel, Maryland, then you know that all licensed drivers have to be insured on an auto policy. The other driver will be required to be on your policy unless they have a policy of their own. If you need to add an additional driver to your coverage, then here are some things that you can expect your premium to do.

What Affects Your Premium if You Add a Driver to Your Policy?

· Adding a new driver to your policy will affect your premium. The big factor to consider is what the other driver’s record is like. If they have a lot of claims or moving violations, then your premium will go a lot higher than if their record was clean.

· If the other driver is under the age of 25, then you can expect to see a rise in your premium. After they turn 25 you can expect to see to see your premium decrease.

· Of course if the other person has a car that is has to be added, you may see a multi-car discount added to your policy. If the other person pays their part of the premium, then you may even see yourself paying less because of their car being added.

· Adding a new driver to your policy may mean that your coverage limits will have to increase. If there is an accident, you will want them to be protected from financial loss. Higher limits may mean a higher premium. In some states it means a lower premium for having the higher limits.

If you have questions that you need to have answer about your policy, you then need to contact your independent agent today. As your agent we can help answer all of your questions. It is important that you call us today so we can give you specific details about your policy today.

How immediate are funds released after a claim is approved in Washington D.C?

When you file a claim with your home insurance company in Washington D.C., you hope that your claim will get immediate attention and that it will be approved quickly. You probably will be even happier if the amount of the settlement is an amount that you think is very generous or at least enough to take care of the damage to your home. Once your claim is approved, the only other thing that can hold up the start of repairs is waiting to receive the funds from your home insurance company.

Every state, plus Washington D.C., has laws that help protect consumers when they file a claim with their insurance company. These laws may go by a variety of names like the Unfair Insurance Practices Act or the Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act. Essentially they are there to make sure that your insurance company treats you fairly and pays your approved claims promptly. Claims must be paid in a reasonable time.

It really would be quite unfair if you have coverage through your home insurance policy, file a claim, get it approved, and then have to wait six months to get the insurance company to cut you a check. Upon approval, payment should be almost immediate. It may take a few days for you to receive a settlement check, or, if you have the money electronically wired into your bank account, you can have it available to use by the next business day.

If your money is not released to you within more than a day or two, you have every right to call your insurer and demand that your funds are released without further delay. It is not like a big insurance company would have a problem coming up with the cash. As your independent agent, we can help make sure that you receive the funds you need to start fixing up your house or replacing personal property that was lost or damaged. If you have any concerns over the time it is taking to receive your funds, call us and an independent agent can step in and help.

What kind of commercial insurance best suits a Warehouse in Washington D.C?

If you own a warehouse in the Washington D.C. area, you’re not just responsible for damages to the warehouse. You are also responsible for the items that your customers store in your warehouse. It just takes one unforeseen emergency to go bankrupt, so it is important to protect your business from risk with the right type of insurance. The following types of commercial insurance can protect you and your customers from loss in the event of a disaster that impacts your warehouse.

General Liability Insurance

Warehouses can be hazardous work environments that pose risks to you and your employees. General liability insurance steps in if an employee is injured in your warehouse and covers their medical and related expenses. General liability insurance can also kick in to protect you from legal liability should an injured employee sue you for an accident incurred on your property.

Legal Liability Insurance

A warehouse legal liability policy consists of a special form of coverage that reimburses your customers for loss. If your warehouse has been negligent in anyway, and it results in the damage of your customer’s property, legal liability coverage will kick in to pay your customers. Legal liability is crucial for warehouse operators because it protects you from legal actions if you are unable to reimburse a customer for his or her goods.

Contact an Independent Agent

Every business is unique, so you may need additional riders to adequately cover your business. The level of coverage you need will also depend on the location, size and scope of your business. An independent agent can help you compare premiums from several insurance companies so that you can find the best value on commercial insurance. Contact us today to speak to an independent agent who can help you get your warehouse covered.

My dog tore my car leather seats; can I claim the money from my auto insurance policy in Washington D.C to replace them?

Many people treat there dogs just like a member of the family and take them everywhere they go. Normally, your dog is well behaved and just likes to look out the window as you are driving around your Washington D.C. neighborhood. But, for some reason, something got into your dog one day and he decided to tear up your expensive leather seats.

If the damage is severe enough and you have comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance policy, you can file a claim for the money it will cost you to have those leather seats repaired or replaced. As long as the damage was not caused intentionally, you will receive money, once you have paid your deductible, to cover any additional costs to repair or replace your car seats.

Comprehensive insurance coverage is for damage that is caused by anything other than a collision. It covers many different possibilities. For instance, it will cover you if someone keys your car or if you accidentally spill a bucket of paint on your leather seats. It will not cover intentional acts that you commit that damages your car. You can not get paid for four brand new seats if you take a knife and hack them up yourself.

Your dog, no matter how well-trained he or she happens to be, is still an animal. Unless it can specifically be shown that you encouraged and commanded your dog to tear up and make a mess of your car seats, it is assumed to be, to use a technical term, an accidental chewing.

If you would like to find out more about what comprehensive coverage does and does not cover, give us a call. An independent agent will be happy to share some useful information that may come in handy in the future.

Do I get any discount on my home insurance policy if I have been their loyal customer since many years in Laurel, Maryland?

If your Laurel, Maryland home has been insured with the same home insurance company for a number of years and you faithfully renew your policy year-after-year, there is a good chance that you can qualify for a discount on your premium. Maryland home insurance companies have their own specific rules on how and when they reward their most loyal customers.

If you have maintained home coverage with the same carrier for 10 years and never filed a claim, you may qualify for what is known as an experience rating credit. In other words, you are rewarded not simply because you have been with the same carrier for years, but because the insurance company has had a good experience with you as a customer.

Say you pay $1,000 per year for your home insurance policy and do so for 10 consecutive years. You never file even a small claim for a few loose shingles falling off your roof. Your insurance company will have received $10,000 from you and paid out zero dollars in claims.

Rewards can come in the form of a discount to your annual premium or not being hit with a surcharge for filing a claim. Loyal policy holders may have their rates held steady while a new client may be subject to higher rates that the insurer recently decided to charge.

It costs insurance companies a lot of money and time to acquire new clients. It is in their benefit to hold onto good-paying and loyal customers that they already have. Loyalty programs are a marketing tool that is an incentive for current customers to stay with their same insurance company rather than switch to another.

As your independent agent, we agree that staying with the same insurance company can be beneficial thanks to the discounts you can receive for being a loyal customer. However, that does not mean you should not consider any other insurance company. Give us a call and talk to an independent agent. They will tell you whether you can get a lower premium by staying with your present carrier, or perhaps, switching to a new home insurance carrier.

Should I by business insurance for a start up Boutique in Laurel, Maryland?

Before you start a boutique in Laurel, Maryland, it is important to protect your business with commercial insurance. If you leave your business uninsured, you can incur burdensome costs that lead to bankruptcy. While every business is unique, you will usually need to mix and match several different types of coverage to receive adequate protection for your start-up retail operation.

Liability Insurance

If an employee or a customer is injured in your store, you may be sued and found legally liable for the accident. Legal expenses can add up fast, so it’s important to protect your business from potential lawsuits. Liability insurance affords protection by covering your legal expenses in the event that your business is sued.

Commercial Property Insurance

The most valuable items in your business will likely be stored inside of your boutique. Commercial insurance is a must because it protects the building you conduct business in and your inventory. Commercial property insurance kicks in when flooding, fires, or other types of hazards cause damage to your business.

Theft Insurance

Retailers can especially benefit from adding theft coverage to their insurance policy. If you have a retail operation, shoplifting is inevitable. Your store will have merchandise that looks good to paying customers and shoplifters alike. Prevent thefts from eating into your profits with this crucial form of coverage.

Contact an Independent Agent

The types of insurance that you will need will depend on the size and scope of your business. An independent agent can walk you through the process of selecting the right level of coverage for your start-up boutique. We can also help you compare policies between different insurance companies so that you can receive the best premiums. Contact us today to speak with an independent insurance agent about your business insurance options.

Can I be Insured on my Parents’ Auto Insurance Policy while I am in College in Washington DC?

Most kids who are in college are on their parents’ insurance policies, because it’s cheaper that way. If you live in the same house, you won’t have a problem staying insured. If you don’t live with your parents, though, you may have more of a struggle staying on their insurance. Of course, that depends on whether the car you’re driving is yours entirely, or whether it’s a car that belongs to your parents. The best way to get information about student coverage is to talk to us.

As an independent agent, we can look at several companies that offer you coverage in the Washington DC area. That way, you can compare one company to another and see which one will provide you with the most benefit and will give you the best option for staying insured. Your age will be a factor, but most college students are still in the age bracket where they can stay on their parents’ insurance policy. Be honest about your needs and goals, and let us find you a policy that will work for everyone involved.

The easiest way to stay insured on your parents’ auto insurance is to drive a car that they own and allow them to insure that car with you as an occasional or part-time driver. If the car isn’t in your parents’ names (whether or not your name is on it), you may find that it’s much harder to insure it on their policy. That will be even more of a consideration if you’re going to school away from home and not living with them, because that means the car will be somewhere else, as well. Most insurance companies don’t care for that arrangement, and that’s something you’ll need to carefully consider.