Get Insurance Quotes from Mid Atlantic Insurance Agency

Finding insurance that is useful for your needs in Laurel, MD can be an important part of maintaining your peace of mind. The type of insurance policy that you want and the situation can impact your option. Fortunately, finding the right plan can be simpler than you might assume.

Learning About Your Options

Learning about your options is an important part of getting the coverage that you want or need. You should expect that the type of coverage that you have available will vary, so you will need to determine the plan that is required and the coverage that you want to purchase.

Insurance policies are designed for different situations and goals. Determine what you want to protect so that you can get the plan that is most appropriate for your needs and goals.

Comparing Quotes

When you have determine the coverage and type of plan that you need to purchase for your assets, compare insurance quotes to find the best rates for your situation.

The rates that are best can depend on the plan you want and the coverage that you need. Keep in mind that the policies that are the least expensive may not always be the best for your situation. Evaluate the coverage and the price to find the plan that is most appropriate. By comparing several options, you can get the best rate to address all of your concerns and goals.

You should always compare a variety of policies so that you can get the best rates. By working with an agency that focuses on helping you find the plan that is best for your needs and provides quotes from several insurer, you can get the protection that you require. To learn more about your options, contact us to talk to an agent.

What type of insurance coverage should I get for rented contractors’ equipment?

A lot of people don’t understand the policies that insure them, and this is particularly true of commercial enterprises. Business owners often get commercial insurance and assume that everything in their business is covered. While this is true of tools and buildings that the company owns, this is not true for rented equipment–that requires a different type of coverage.

The equipment that contractors use, items such as loaders, backhoes and bulldozers, is usually very expensive–often too expensive to buy. Unfortunately, when you rent this kind of equipment, you need a special type of coverage called a contractor’s equipment policy. This type of policy is designed to cover big, expensive equipment, but smaller hand tools can be grouped together and included in a policy, as well. Just the policy is not always enough to insure rented equipment, however–you will sometimes need to include a rider called a "rented and leased equipment rider." Sometimes it is included automatically with the policy, but sometimes you have to ask for it.

You may also have the option to purchase insurance directly from the rental company on a per-item basis. The advantage is that the coverage is tailored to the equipment you’re using for the exact time that you’re using, but the disadvantage is that the price is not always competitive with other insurers.

Renting and insuring contractors equipment can be complicated, but it is very important to make sure that the equipment is insured because it is so expensive to repair or replace. Before making a decision, you should contact us. As your independent agent, we can make sure that your rented equipment is properly covered and that you are getting the best possible rate.

Can I Designate Whomever I Want to be a Beneficiary on my Life Insurance Policy?

The rules for designating beneficiaries on a life insurance policy depend upon the situation and where you live. It is important that you speak with your insurance agent to better understand the laws in your area before you try to make any changes in your life insurance policy.

Generally, your spouse (if you are married) is considered to be the obvious beneficiary. If you want to name someone other than your spouse as the beneficiary of the policy, explain this to your insurance agent to get direction on how to do this most effectively.

Many people want to name their child or children as the recipient of their policy proceeds, but this can be complicated depending upon the ages of the children. If your children are minors, you will need to arrange for a trustee to manage the policy proceeds for your children until they are legally adults and can handle the money on their own.

If your policy is connected to a pension plan or is purchased through your job, you may be required to name your spouse as the recipient of the policy upon your death. This requirement can sometimes be waived, however. For example, if you want to name your nephew as the recipient of the policy you could potentially have your spouse sign papers stating that they are aware of this, and you could then make your nephew the recipient legally.

In most cases, you may be able to name the person or persons of your choice as the recipient of your policy upon your death. However, it all depends upon the individual situation and it is imperative that you work together with your agent to make the best decision for you and your beneficiaries.

My business isn’t safe to keep open because of the damage from the burglary. What should I do?

A burglary is a problem that impacts small businesses every year. Depending on the extent of the damages and the thefts that took place, the solutions that are most appropriate for your business may vary.

Contact the Police

After you discover a burglary, contact the police and make a formal report. Do not stay in the building. Allow the police to check that the burglar has already left so that you are not taking any risks.

You will need to keep your small business closed for the day to avoid any potential accidents or injuries. Even if the damages seem limited, it is best to avoid further complications by opening up the company when the property has been damaged.

Contact Your Insurer

Make a claim with your business insurance policy. The claims process may require that you provide proof of the burglary and the damages. You can send a copy of the police report as well as any photographic evidence of the damages to the building.

Keep in mind that your coverage may vary, so the details of your plan and the limitations on your claim may depend on the situation and the total coverage that you have purchased. The insurer may send out a professional to evaluate the damages and provide an estimate repair cost before you are able to move forward. Your coverage can impact the total amount that your insurer will allow you to claim.

A burglary is a problem, but it is best to stay calm and carefully evaluate your situation before you panic. Make a formal police report and then contact your insurer so that you can rebuild and start fresh. Contact us to speak to an agent for more details.

When I buy an additional car or replace a car, does my policy automatically cover it?

A big worry among many car buyers is that brief period when their vehicle is not covered under any insurance. This could potentially happen if you’ve purchased a second or third car or if you’ve just completed a vehicle trade. In the event that something does happen, being caught without insurance could expose you to financial liabilities, in addition to leaving you on the hook for any vehicle repairs.

In many cases, your insurance policy may automatically provide coverage if you purchase an additional vehicle or replace an existing vehicle. Such automatic insurance is meant to be temporary, giving you time to arrange for proper insurance with the best available options.

Any vehicle you’ve purchased will automatically receive the same insurance as the vehicle with the broadest insurance on your current policy. That means if your first car has liability insurance while your second car has liability, collision and comprehensive, any additional vehicle you purchase will automatically be covered the same as the second car, since it’s the broadest insurance available.

Meanwhile, any replacement vehicle you purchase will have the same coverage as the vehicle it replaces. For instance, if you use an older vehicle that’s covered only with liability insurance as a trade-in, the new car will automatically have liability insurance.

Most auto insurance providers require that you notify them as soon as you have purchased an additional car or if you replaced an existing vehicle, usually within a specific number of days. It’s a good idea to get in touch with us to speak to an independent agent, who can then help you secure the best available insurance for your unique motoring needs.

Is double indemnity a standard provision of all life insurance policies?

The coverage you have in any insurance plan does depend on the company that issues the protection. A double indemnity provision may be included on some life policies or added as extra coverage on others. To determine if this feature would be beneficial to you, you first need to understand what the provision means.

What is Double Indemnity?

A standard policy provides a certain amount of financial protection when the insured dies from almost any cause. Some activities may be excluded and suicide is normally not covered for two years, or longer, from the date the coverage is issued.

The double rider provides twice the amount of coverage if the insured dies due to a covered accident. For example, if you have $50,000 in coverage as a standard plan and were to be killed in an auto accident, your beneficiaries would receive $100,000.

Accidental death policies are normally much lower in cost than whole or term life policies. The coverage in an accidental death plan is restrictive. This also makes adding the additional rider to a regular plan a low cost option.

Some insurers also offer a triple protection rider. Examine your risks of an accidental death. While this can happen to anyone, certain lifestyles or hobbies could make you more prone to accidents.

If you have any questions about your life insurance policy in Maryland, get in touch with us. As an independent agent, we offer the ability to compare quotes from a variety of carriers online. This allows you to choose the policy that meets your unique needs. You can also purchase additional protection on a temporary basis, similar to a term plan.

What is covered under bodily injury liability coverage?

Drivers, whether driving a motorcycle, a truck, or car, need protection in the event an accident should occur. These drivers need insurance coverage that will protect them in the event they are at fault for an accident that causes an injury or death of another driver or passenger. Bodily injury liability coverage, or BIL as it is sometimes called by insurance providers, will provide that protection.

BIL insurance helps drivers with the monetary costs that result from injuries that happen from a recent accident. The accident must be determined to be the fault of the driver in order for this insurance to provide protection.

BIL insurance will help pay for a number of different things. Items that may be covered under BIL insurance include:

  • Any hospital or medical bills
  • Follow-up care
  • Rehabilitation – physical or occupational therapy
  • Long-term nursing care – for rehabilitation purposes

In addition to these items, the BIL insurance portion of your auto insurance will help pay for the costs of the following:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Medical bills and other expenses are not the only things that will be covered by BIL insurance. BIL insurance can also help with any legal costs that you may accumulate as a result of the accident.

Legal expenses may be covered because the insurance company has an interest in the outcome of the lawsuit/trial. They will want to make sure that you are being properly represented during these legal proceedings.

BIL insurance often comes with limits. Most insurance companies have a limit per person impact by the accident and a limit for a single situation. Each insurance company’s limits will vary depending upon the policy that is purchased.

Make sure you are protected against potential accidents that may occur in Maryland by purchasing the right insurance policies. Work closely with one of our independent insurance agents to explore policies for various insurance companies and find the best auto insurance for your current situation.

Am I Entitled to a Discount on My Homeowners Policy for Adding More Security to My Home?

Adding extra security to your home can definitely help you get a discount on your home insurance policy. The discount can vary by policy and by insurance provider, but you can ask your agent for a list of exactly what type of security measures that you can take to make sure you are able to get the lower policy rates.

The amount of your discount can vary by situation, but in general you will be able to secure a policy discount of at least 5 percent for adding one of the basic security upgrades. Some of those security upgrades include smoke detectors, burglar alarms, and dead bolt door locks.

If you are willing to significantly ramp up the security in your house you can potentially get even bigger discounts. For example, if you get a sprinkler system that activates in case of fire, you may be eligible for a higher discount. If you have a more advanced security system, for example the type of system that automatically calls the police and other emergency personnel when the alarm is triggered, you could get discounts as high as 15 percent or even more.

If you are considering security upgrades in your home and you want to know how they will impact your insurance rates, it is essential that you give your insurance agent the information about the exact upgrades you are considering. Your agent can tell you exactly how much this new security will reduce your insurance costs and you can then decide whether it is cost effective for you.

Our experienced home insurance agents are available to do custom quotes for you today. Be sure that your security upgrades will really count for something by getting the right policy today!

I am shopping for a house. What do I need to know about homeowner’s insurance before I buy?

When you’re shopping for a new home, it only makes sense to protect your biggest investment with a homeowners policy. But before you buy a new policy, it’s important to understand how it protects your home and what you can expect from your policy.

It’s important to understand the definitions of a “covered property,” which can vary depending on your state, policy provider and policy type:

Dwelling – Considered the structure of the house.

Other structures – Tool sheds, detached garages and other structures separate from the house.

Personal property – The contents of your home, including furniture, clothing and appliances.

Covered peril – Considered a cause of loss, such as a theft, fire or other peril named in your policy.

Loss of use – Provides protection in the event your dwelling becomes uninhabitable. Your provider may cover any necessary increase in living expenses to maintain your normal standard of living.

The average homeowners insurance policy usually comes in two parts:

Property coverage – This coverage takes care of your home and its contents in the event of a loss stemming from theft, vandalism, fire, tornado or other natural disaster.

Liability coverage – If something happens in your home that results in another party’s injury, liability coverage can offer protection against lawsuits.

As a general rule, most providers will not fully cover the cost of damage to a house unless you purchase coverage equaling 80 percent or more of the house’s total replacement value. Otherwise, you’ll only receive reimbursement for a proportionate amount of the required minimum.

Keep in mind that your policy should also be reviewed every so often to keep up with the 80-percent rule, due to inflation, market events and capital improvements that cause a home’s value to increase over time. Speaking to one of our independent agents can help put you on the right footing when it comes to your homeowners insurance.

My four-wheeler that I purchased for my son was stolen two days later. Will it be covered under my policy?

After purchasing an ATV for your son, it is important to buy insurance coverage for the vehicle. Since the policies in Maryland can cover a variety of different situations, your plan may or may not cover the vehicle from theft.

Basic Liability Plans

A liability policy on an ATV is similar to the coverage you can expect for any other vehicle. It will protect against high-cost property damages if you or your son accidentally crash into someone else’s property. It can also protect against high-cost medical bills if you accidentally cause an injury.

Since the policy is designed to address liability, it may not offer any protection for the vehicle. A theft may not be covered with a basic policy because it does not protect the vehicle from most situations.

Comprehensive ATV Insurance

A comprehensive plan will usually offer protection against most situations that may arise. Theft is usually covered if you have the right type of comprehensive policy, but the amount of coverage that you may obtain can vary.

Some insurers may offer the full replacement cost of the vehicle if it was stolen while others pay the cost of a comparable model based on the year and estimated value. It can also be calculated as the replacement cost after subtracting any depreciation rates. After only two days, the amount that you may receive may be similar to the amount you paid for the vehicle.

It does not matter how long you have owned the vehicle if it is stolen and you have protection for that situation. As long as you have a policy and it is active, you can make a claim. Contact us to talk to an agent for more information.