BBQ Safely In Your Maryland Home

When you’re living in Maryland, a BBQ can be a fun outdoor activity. You can barbecue on a gas or charcoal grill and serve up some delicious food to your family and friends. However, you want to make sure you are doing so safely as a way of protecting you as well as your home.

Homeowner’s insurance is designed to protect your home and its contents. It can provide coverage against fire, smoke damage, and much more. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, our agents can help you find a great policy so you are well protected. We also want to share some BBQ safety tips to ensure you never have to find out just how great your policy is.

  • Keep your grill at least 10 to 15 feet away from your house. The BBQ grill should never be inside your garage or an enclosed patio when you’re cooking.
  • Always check for gas leaks. This can be done on your own by using soapy water on the hoses and connections or bringing it into a gas company for them to do the inspection.
  • Clean the grill on a regular basis to avoid fat and grease build up. You also don’t want the fuel injector to become clogged.
  • If there is a flare up, you want to control it quickly. Keep a spray bottle filled with water right next to the grill, just in case.

By being safe about your BBQ time, it will be a way to enjoy yourself and know that your home is being looked after. Enjoy steaks, hot dogs, or anything else in Maryland on the grill. Just practice safety at all times.

Call and speak to one of our insurance agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to learn about homeowner’s insurance. We’re happy to answer questions you may have and get quotes for you to help with the comparison process.

Comparing Quotes With Mid-Atlantic Insurance

Comparing quotes is of the utmost importance when you are shopping for insurance in Washington DC. It doesn’t matter whether you need an insurance policy for your home, your automobile, your business, or even for your life. Quote comparisons will help you to get the best level of coverage at the most budget friendly rate.

At Mid-Atlantic Insurance, we are committed to helping you find the best policy. Our independent insurance agents work with some of the top insurance companies who are licensed to issue policies in DC. This works to your advantage because you don’t have to call the individual companies on your own. We do all of that for you.

It can be difficult to find insurance policies because you don’t know what you’re looking for. Insurance companies may try to sell you coverage that you don’t need. We will learn about your individual situation and guide you through the various forms of coverage to help you make educated decisions that protect your home, your car, your business, and your life.

Not all insurance companies offer the same coverage or charge the same amount. Since you want to get the best price for a policy, our agents will get quotes so you can compare the coverage and what the cost is going to be for that coverage. We’re also happy to help by making recommendations in terms of which company we feel is offering the best deal for you. The company you use for your auto insurance may or may not have the best price for homeowner’s insurance – and likewise for all of the other insurance you are searching for.

Call and talk to one of our agents today. We can compare quotes to help you find the best price and answer questions you may have along the way.



Save Time on Cleaning with These Hacks

Cleaning your home can take up a lot of time, but it must be done. Not only does a clean home look nicer but it’s also less accident prone, as there are fewer things to knock over or slip on. Here are three ways that we at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial have found to save time on cleaning, but still keep our homes nice and tidy.

Our Cleaning Hacks

The best way to reduce how much time you spend cleaning is to reduce how much cleaning you have to do. For instance, if you can reuse a glass at dinnertime, then that’s one less dish you have to wash. Here are some ways you can take this idea a little further:

  • eat out of original containers, instead of dishes whenever possible
  • switch to shower gel, as it doesn’t leave soap scum like bar soap does
  • turn your socks inside out to sweep the floor while you’re walking around

Our Accident Protection

Even with a clean home, accidents happen. We receive phone calls related to in-home incidents almost every day. Along with cleaning to prevent accidents, you should also check your insurance policy to make sure it would cover common household mishaps, just in case something happens in your home.

If you live in Laurel, MD, homeowners insurance agents at our office can help you go over your policy. We can also help you find a new policy, should your current one not provide the necessary coverage. Since all of our agents are independent, you can feel confident that they’re working to help you, and not a specific insurance company. To get started, visit our website for more information on our homeowners insurance offerings or give our independent agents a call today!

The Stats Don’t Lie: South Laurel, Maryland is for Families

If you are seeing a lot of families, in particular young families, in the South Laurel, Maryland area, your eyes are not deceiving you. According to the U.S. Census, we have plenty of them. Let’s take a closer look.

With a population of 26,112, South Laurel has grown by almost 30% since the year 2000. Our median age in the community is a low 32.9 years old. Over a third of the households here have families with someone who is under 18 years of age in them. The median income for a family in the area is $60,028.

This is good news for businesses in the 20708 zip code area target young families. But even if business is booming, your business can’t afford to waste money. That’s where Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help. We are an independent insurance agency that can help you get the most of your business insurance budget.

Our independent agents have the ability to get quotes from multiple commercial insurance providers. Because they are competing for your business, this allows us to present the most competitive rates possible. We do this without you having to sacrifice coverage.

We invite you to give us a try with your personal insurance. With a quick visit to our website, you can obtain comparative quotes on your auto and homeowners insurance. From there, we invite you to contact us for your business insurance.

The numbers don’t lie. South Laurel is a popular place to raise young families. It is also where you can save on your business and personal insurance with Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. Contact us today and let’s get started saving you money.

Surprising Things a Laurel, Maryland Insurance Review Can Uncover

It may or may not surprise you to know that flooding is not only the most frequent type of disaster to hit our Maryland community, but it is the most costly. Just two years ago, new Flood Insurance Rate Maps were compiled, replacing maps that were almost 30 years old. If you haven’t had an insurance review in the last couple of years for your home or your business, it would be a good idea to do so.

A personal or commercial insurance review can uncover some surprising things. The status of any flood insurance you may or may not have is just one. A review will let you know if you even have coverage from accidental water damage from broken plumbing.

When you get an insurance review, you will know how much liability coverage you have. It will let you know if vehicles used for your business are covered. It will acknowledge whether or not your business insurance has kept up with the growth of your company.

Getting an insurance review is easy. Contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial and one of independent agents will assist you. Not only will an insurance review give you peace of mind, it may actually end up saving you money. You see, our agents are not tied to just representing one company. They can get quotes from a variety of companies. This can result in better coverage at the same or maybe even a lower rate.

You are also invited to get a free comparative quote on your homeowners or auto insurance. This can be accomplished right online from our website.

If it has been more than two years since you’ve had an insurance review, contact us today. We are Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial and we are proud to serve the Laurel area.

What You Can and Can’t Change About Your Life Insurance Rates

There are some things about Glenn Dale, Maryland we all love and would never change. The Splash Park, the friendly people, the variety of events and annual festivals in the area, and our relatively moderate year-round temperatures are among them. Of course we would change the Washington area traffic if we could, but we’ve learned there are some things you can’t change. The same can be said about your life insurance.

Life insurance premiums are based on a variety of factors. There are some factors you can’t change that affect your life insurance premiums, and there are those you can. Age, for example, is one of the biggest factors that impact premiums, but there is little you can do about that. You can keep in mind though, that the younger you are, the cheaper life insurance will likely be for you.

You can make some changes to your personal habits to positively impact premiums. If you are a smoker, giving up tobacco use will help. Those who are significantly overweight will likely pay more. Have a dangerous job or getting involved in risky recreational activities may also impact your rates negatively. Even a good driving record may help you secure more affordable premiums.

If you are considering life insurance, contact us. As an independent agency we have the ability to work with multiple companies in finding the best rates for you. We may also be able to help you by showing you how small lifestyle changes can save money.

If you are considering auto or homeowners insurance, try our online comparative quotes. You can get started from the convenience of any internet connection. Contact us today and learn more about how we work to save you money!

Need to Borrow Money? A Bowie, Maryland Source May be Closer Than You Think!

Bowie, Maryland has it all. We have easy access to the sports, entertainment and fine-dining options of Washington and even Baltimore, yet we are self-sustaining with our own amenities and services. Need quality healthcare? We have it. Schools? We offer solid public and a wide choice of private schools. We have our own shopping, parks and financial institutions. But if you are looking to borrow money, there may be an option even closer than one of Bowie’s banks.

Your life insurance policy could be the source for needed funds. You see, many life insurance policies, in particular whole life policies, build value the longer you have them. That means these policies will not only protect your loved ones in the event of your death, but they have a cash value that can be accessed while you’re living. To make it even more valuable, many policies have very attractive low interest rates for borrowing the money. These funds can be very handy and easily accessible in cases of emergencies or opportunities.

Should you die before paying the money back, the amount of your loan and any interest will be deducted from the face amount of the policy upon your death. Some view this cash value as a good way to force themselves to set money aside. If you don’t need it, you still have important life insurance coverage. If you do, it can be very helpful.

If you would like to know more about whole life insurance and how it can help you prepare for the future contact us. We are an independent insurance agency who can help you compare from multiple companies to make the choice appropriate for you. If you are in search of homeowners or auto insurance, we offer a convenient way to compare policies right from our website. Give it a try. We look forward to serving you.

The Best Age to Buy Term Insurance

Although Laurel, Maryland is a historic town, it is very young…at least in terms of its population. According to the 2010 U.S. Census the average age here is just 33.7 years old. In fact, 70% of us are 44 years of age or younger. That is good news, especially for those looking for term life insurance.

Term life insurance is insurance that covers the insured for a specific amount of years or “term”. It is often sold in periods of ten or twenty year terms. It is particularly valuable to cover a mortgage over the period of the loan. It is also very valuable in covering young families who need large amounts of life insurance. Since term insurance is generally less expensive the younger you are, the best age to buy term insurance is probably the age you are. It will likely only get more expensive.

Term insurance is less expensive than whole life insurance. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to make sure that not only are their homes and debts paid for, but there is a large nest egg for those left behind. Often times they will want to make sure that a college education for any children is covered by their policy. As the years go by and the children grow up and mortgage gets paid down, the need for such a large amount of life insurance lessens.

If you are a part of Laurel’s youthful population, we invite you to see how affordable term life insurance can be. Contact us for a no obligation quote. If you are in the market for homeowners or auto insurance, you can get a comparative quote right online from our website.

As an independent agency, we search multiple companies for the right coverage at the best price for you. Contact us today and secure the future of your family.

Why Idependent Agents Work For You

The location of North Laurel, Maryland midway between Washington and Baltimore has made it a terrific location for commuters to live. Because of this growing population it is also a perfect place to do business. We are pleased to serve both the residents of North Laurel with personal insurance products and the business community with commercial insurance lines.

One of the reasons we can help so many in our area is our status as independent agents. While some agents, called “captive agents”, can only represent the products of the insurance brand they represent, as independent agents we don’t have such restrictions. This means we have access to a wider range of companies. This ability to better compare providers creates some big benefits for our customers.

First, we can find coverage for your particular situation, whether it is for business or personally. This allows us to better “customize” your coverage with a company that suits you. Secondly, this access to a variety of providers often occurs in better rates. Many of our customers are surprised with just how much money we saved them. Finally, as independent agents that are local, we are here to answer your questions and assist with your claims.

Now, for homeowners and auto insurance, we offer comparative quotes online from our website. Now it is easy to see just how much you can save on your auto or home insurance from the convenience of any internet connection.

If you live or are a business owner in the North Laurel area, we would be pleased to show you how we can help save you money on your business insurance. Visit our website or contact us today. Let our independent agents go to work for you!

Sidestepping a Homeowners Insurance Increase

There always seems to be something going on in North Laurel, Maryland. From seemingly constant sports tournaments to our Community Garage Sale, we have a wide array of events to look forward to. One thing no one looks forward to is seeing an increase in the cost of their homeowners insurance. You are not powerless however. There are things you can do to sidestep a rate increase from your insurance company.

First, and perhaps most importantly, you can compare. Seek out other providers and compare rates. Since we are an independent agency, we can get rates from multiple companies. This gives you several options when selecting your homeowners insurance. It is why so many of our clients not only can sidestep a rate increase, but many times they can actually see a reduction in their rates. That is worth looking into.

Another way you can avoid higher rates is by increasing the deductible on your policy. This is not always the best option as it will lead to more out of pocket expenses in the event of a claim. It is an effective tactic in fighting a rate increase. You also may consider bundling your insurance coverage. Some companies will offer a discount if you have both your homeowners and auto insurance with them.

You can get comparative quotes for both your auto and homeowners insurance from us right online. We invite you to try it and see how we compare. It is simple to accomplish by visiting our website and filling out our online form. We can have you saving money quickly.

We are proud to serve the North Laurel area and welcome you to our insurance family. When you get a notice of a rate increase in your homeowners insurance, contact us or visit us online. We would be pleased to help save you money.