Steps to Take if You Witness a Car Accident

Car accidents are loud, scary, and sometimes chaotic. Will you know what to do if a car accident happens in front of you? At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we want you to feel prepared to take the proper steps if you witness an auto accident in Washington DC.

Move Out of Harm’s Way

You cannot help others if you become injured. The first thing you should do after witnessing a car accident is move your vehicle out of the way. Pull over approximately 35 yards away from the scene.

Call the Police

You should notify the police immediately when you witness an accident. Call 911 and be prepared to give the location of the accident. Calmly give details regarding the type and color of vehicles in the crash, as well as the number of people involved in the accident.

Provide Reassurance

If you are able to safely reach the accident victims, provide reassurance that help is on the way. It is best not to attempt any medical care as this can cause greater injury. The 911 call-taker will ask you to provide information on the condition of the victims if you can safely do so.

Stay Focused

Try to remain composed. Concentrate on the details of the accident and surrounding conditions. You will need to provide the police with details of what you witnessed when officers arrive on scene.

State the Facts

When the police are ready to take your statement, remember to only provide factual statements of what you saw. Do not make assumptions or give opinions. If you are unsure of exact details you should say so.

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is here for all of your auto insurance needs. For more information on what to do if you witness a car accident, or for a competitive quote on car insurance, contact us today.

Laurel, MD: Common Life Insurance Myths

If you’re considering investing in life insurance, it is imperative that you consider your many options. It’s also pertinent to speak with a qualified life insurance agent serving the Laurel, MD area. By speaking with this type of agent, you can rest assured that all of your life insurance needs will be met.

From assessing your individual needs to determining whether or not you actually need life insurance, an agent can explain the ins-and-outs of the various life insurance policies that are best suited for you. In addition to explaining the policies that are available to you, an agent can go over the common life insurance myths that people often fall for. It’s important that you don’t fall for these myths or you could end up losing out on benefits that are available to you and your beneficiaries. 

Life insurance myth #1: If you’re not married, you don’t need life insurance

Just because you aren’t married, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need life insurance. Life insurance funds are meant to be used as a beneficiary benefit to those you help support. For instance, if you have any children and they have yet to go through college, you may want to invest in life insurance to cover the associated expenses in the event that you were to pass away before they have completed their post-secondary education. 

Life insurance myth #2: Life insurance is always expensive

There are many life insurance policies that can be invested in at extremely affordable premiums. Some of the best policies and most inexpensive ones are term life insurance plans; however, depending on your exact needs, a permanent life insurance plan might be better suited. To learn more about your life insurance options, please contact an agent serving your area from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial.


5 Tips For Halloween Safety

There are many Halloween safety tips that you can follow in Maryland. You want to make sure that trick-or-treaters are safe and that your home is safe as well. These tips should help you tremendously.

#1: Clear a Path

Clear a path for all of the trick-or-treaters. This includes removing broken branches from the yard, ensuring that extension cords are out of the way, and more. Otherwise, trick-or-treaters could easily trip on your property.

#2: Light it Up

Make sure that your property is well lit. Turn on the porch light and use other lights in order to make sure kids can see the front door easily.

#3: Watch Flammables

Halloween is a time where you may have luminaries, candles, and various other things. Watch to make sure that the flames are under control. Also make sure that flammables are nowhere near the open flames so that you don’t experience a fire or anything else.

#4: Fill Holes

Kids will often run between properties, so fill holes that you may have in your yard. You don’t want a kid catching their feet in a hole and twisting their ankle.

#5: Watch Kids

Watch the kids and make sure that they are following rules. They should be walking everywhere instead of running. Ensure kids are holding up longer costumes so that they are not tripping.

As always, a good homeowner’s insurance policy can go a long way. It will allow you to have further peace of mind and ensure that you can file a claim instead of paying out-of-pocket for any damages.

Call us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today to learn about homeowners insurance. We can talk to you about coverage options, compare quotes on your behalf, and more. It will ensure that your home in Laurel, Maryland is protected during Halloween and through the rest of the year.




Understanding Your Health Insurance Discounts as a Student

There are many discounts to be taken advantage of as a student. From local sports venue discounts to saving on your auto insurance, there are many ways to make your dollars stretch further. Here’s a look at health insurance for students and the discounts they may qualify for. 

School Plan Discounts

Many larger colleges and universities offer health coverage to their students. For some, the premiums are covered. For others, the associated premiums tend to be quite affordable because all students get a group rate. Plans purchased through schools usually offer an extensive line of benefits, including preventative coverage, hospitalization coverage, expanded medication options, and more. 

Individual Plans

Any one can purchase an individual health insurance plan. For college students, it’s important to communicate with the service provider that they are in fact students. Many providers will offer a discount for being a student, and an even steeper one for keeping good grades. 

Family Plan

Your last option as a college student buying health insurance is to stay on your family’s plan. Most policies allow students to stay covered until they are at 26-years-old and in school. Some policies will cover the student no matter how long they are in school. The same as with an individual plan, you should relay your enrollment status and your GPA with your family’s insurance provider to ensure you get the best discounts possible. 

Going to college and maintaining health insurance doesn’t have to be hassle. Visit the Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial website today to learn more about your health insurance options and any discounts you may qualify for. 

Tips To Prepping Your Maryland Home Before Fall Hits

There are a lot of tips that can be followed to ensure that your home is prepped properly for the fall. When you live in Maryland, you know that the fall marks the start of all the cold weather. By doing a few things in and around your home, you can save on your energy bill and protect your home at the same time.

Hire Professionals

While you may want to take the DIY approach whenever you can, there are certain things that you want to do to prep your home that requires a professional. This includes hiring a roofer to inspect if you are missing any shingles as well as a professional and licensed chimney sweep that can unclog your fireplace.

Save Your Electric Bill

There are a few ways that you can save on your electric bill during the fall and winter months. The first is to reimburse your plan so that you can redistribute the warm air. The second is to have your heater checked by a professional to ensure that it is working properly. You may also want to see if there is draft coming in through your windows and doors and have them weather-stripped again.

Do Some Cleaning

It’s also good idea to do some cleaning – including the gutters.

Change Batteries

The batteries in your smoke detector need to be working so that the detectors can do their job. By adding this to your maintenance checklist every fall, you can be sure that they are always working.

Call and talk to an agent at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today to learn more about homeowners insurance. We can help you with creating your fall home checklist, answering questions you have about coverage, and getting quotes for you to compare premium rates.



Do You Need Renters Insurance? 3 Facts to Consider

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably always thought of renters insurance as an afterthought—something that would be nice to have but wasn’t a total necessity. Unfortunately, many renters find out the hard way that not having coverage is a big mistake.

Here are three facts to consider to help you decide whether or not you need renters insurance.

Fact #1: Renters Insurance Covers Your Personal Property

The top reason why many purchase this type of coverage is that it pays to replace your personal property if you have a covered claim. For example, if there is a fire in your apartment or you have a break-in, your policy will pay to replace the damaged or stolen items without forcing you to pay out of pocket.

However, one of the most overlooked facets to renters insurance is that it also covers your items during travel. This means that if you have belongings stolen from your suitcase or taken from your car, they would most likely be replaced using your policy. This is an important tidbit to remember if you regularly take vacations or business trips.

Fact #2: Your Landlord Might Require a Renters Policy

Most financial savvy landlords understand that their property coverage does not include personal belongings of tenants. This means that if there is any sort of incident, they are not required to replace your stuff. Furthermore, if someone becomes injured while visiting your apartment, your landlord is also not liable for any medical bills incurred during the incident.

This is why many landlords and property management companies now require tenants to have rental insurance and show proof of coverage. By making this a condition of renting the apartment, the landlord is ensuring you know that they are not in any way responsible for your personal items or any liability incidents.

Fact #3: Renters Insurance is Affordable

Renter’s insurance is often more affordable that most believe. Policy premiums usually only range between one and two hundred dollars a year—equating to only a few dollars per month for added peace of mind. Furthermore, many carriers often give a substantial discount off your auto insurance for having both types of coverage in force.

Of course, exact coverages and discounts available regarding renters insurance vary by individual circumstance. For more information on this type of coverage or any others, please contact our team at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today.

The Proper Way to Care for Your Car’s Braking System

When it comes to keeping your car on the road, one of  the most important components is its braking system. After all, you can’t safely drive a car if its brakes aren’t functioning properly. Because of this, it’s imperative that you create a braking system maintenance plan and make sure to stick to it. Here are a few tips you can follow when creating a custom braking system maintenance plan for your vehicle. 

Know what to look for

First, you need to be aware of the signs to look for that directly relate to your braking system. These signs might include:

  • Dashboard braking system symbol is on or flashing
  • Brake pedal must be almost fully pressed to the floor before it the brakes start to engage
  • Vehicle wants to pull left or right when using the brakes
  • Any type of noise — screeching, grinding, clicking, etc. — means your brakes need maintenance
  • You feel a vibration or pulse when using the brakes

They will eventually need to be replaced

No matter how well you take care of your braking system, your maintenance plan should account for brake replacements. Depending on the wear and tear that you put on the car, you may have to replace your brakes once every 70,000 miles. Do keep in mind, however, that if you are hard on your brakes, they will need replaced sooner. 

Keep an eye on your brake fluid

Making sure the brake fluid is properly topped off is essential to the life of your brakes. Any time that the brake fluid is dark in color, it needs to be flushed out and replaced. 

For more tips on taking care of your braking system, contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today. 

Keep Your Pets Safe During The Summer In Laurel

Living in Laurel, Maryland can be a lot of fun. Regardless of what kind of home you have, you may have pets. During the summer, you want to do all that you can in order to keep your pets as safe and as healthy as can be.

Dehydration can be a dangerous thing. The hottest times of the day are when you need to keep your pet inside. If you enjoy exercising with your pet at your side, do so during the early morning or late evening hours. Whenever you do take your pet outside, especially for long walks, bring a bottle of water for them to drink and remember to relax in the shade from time to time.

Whenever you are outside, you have shoes on as a way of keeping your feet clean and well protected. You need to do the same thing for your pets. The hot concrete can be very hot on the delicate pads of dogs and cats. There are adhesive pads, booties, and other forms of protection that you can purchase for your pet.

Ensure that your pets have access to plenty of clean water during the summer, whether they stay inside or outside. You can also mix in some wet food when you feed them dry food because this has approximately 70% water. It is an extra tip that can help them stay hydrated.

Some of the other things that you can do to keep your pet safe include:

  • Never leave them in a parked car
  • Use life vests on a boat
  • Get them on heartworm medication

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we’re here to help you with home insurance and more. Call us today and let one of our agents help find affordable quotes for a policy that you can count on.



Teen Driving in Laurel: Top Tips for Safety

Teens are often so excited about getting their driver’s license that they forget to actually prepare for driving. Fortunately, as a parent, you can demonstrate to them how important it is to study traffic laws, and you can also make sure your teen gets in lots of practice driving hours. Whether it be letting your teen drive on a daily basis or for several hours on the weekend, you’ll want to make sure they get experience driving in various forms of weather. The more practiced they are, the better of a driver they will be. 

When you’re letting your teen practice driving, make sure that he stays off the phone. Being distracted by a cell phone is one of the primary causes of accidents. Think about it. When your teen is texting and driving, he won’t likely see when a vehicle stops in front of him, nor can he clearly see pedestrians. The easiest way to make sure a phone doesn’t cause a wreck is to stay off of it when driving. 

You’ll also want to express to your teen the importance of making sure everyone in the car is buckled up. Wearing seat belts can save lives, and this is not only important for the driver, but everyone in the car. 

Lastly, you should make sure your teen knows how to read warning lights correctly. If one of them was to light up on the dashboard, it’s important to see what caused the warning. If it’s something similar to low tire pressure or low brake fluid, this is something that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. 

To learn more about safe teen driving in Laurel, contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today. 

Wake Up! Tips For Driving In Washington Dc

Driving in Washington DC can be difficult. There are a lot of drivers on the road, even during non-peak times. With all of this traffic, you have to make sure you are always awake and alert when behind the wheel.

You have to be conscious of just how awake you are before driving. If you are doing a lot of yawning or are fighting to stay awake, you don’t want to drive anywhere, even if it’s just down the road.

Here are some tips to help you when you need to wake up when driving.

  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep prior to getting behind the wheel
  • Take a break approximately every 100 miles
  • During long trips, split the driving responsibilities with another person
  • Pull off the highway and nap at a rest stop to avoid falling asleep at the wheel

Don’t be one of the statistics. There are about 60% of drivers who say they have driven while they are drowsy and about 37% of them have fallen asleep. Men are more likely to drive when drowsy than women, and many shift workers will drive drowsy.

This means there are a lot of sleepy people on the roads of Washington DC and you don’t want to be one of them. You need a good auto insurance policy to protect yourself against what could happen in an accident.

The best way to prevent an accident, however, is to stay awake. When you are alert, you can avoid a number of accidents, even against those who are drowsy. Use your horn and wake others up if you have to.

Call and talk to one of our insurance agents today. We can help you to find the best auto insurance policy and get quotes to help you with making comparisons.