Motorcycle Theft: 5 Things You Should Know

Do you love your motorcycle? Unfortunately, you may not be the only one.

Motorcycle theft is a common occurrence in the United States, and any bike that isn’t securely anchored to the ground — and even some that are — are vulnerable to being stolen. Popular sport-style motorcycles can be easily loaded into vans, trucks and trailers, and all kinds of bikes can be hotwired and driven away. Motorcycle theft peaks in the summertime when the weather is nice and more people are riding. Some motorcycles are stolen by joyriders, but most are taken to be broken down and sold for parts. Trained thieves can swipe your bike faster than you can use a gas station’s restroom.

Fortunately, you have options. These five tips can help prevent thieves from getting away with your motorcycle.

1) Use Two Disc Locks… with Alarms

Disc locks are great deterrents to keep criminals from riding off on your motorcycle. Buy two brands of disc locks and use one on each wheel. Also, only use disc locks with built-in alarms. This will alert anyone nearby that your bike is being tampered with.

2) Anchor Your Bike

Use a high-quality chain and U-lock to anchor your motorcycle to a light pole, a tree, or even your friend’s bike. Anchor your motorcycle even when parked in your garage at home. Also, make sure your lock is tightly suspended in the air so thieves can’t get leverage to easily break it.

3) Don’t Try to Hide Your Bike in Public

When parking in public places, you may be tempted to conceal your bike between larger vehicles or behind buildings. Don’t. You’re much better off leaving your bike in a well-lit area where it’s in plain sight of as many people as possible.

4) Get a Bike Cover

Don’t help criminals by showing them whether your motorcycle is what they’re after. Cover your bike whenever possible. This is especially important if you don’t have a garage.

5) Use a Tracking System

Vehicle tracking systems like LoJack are highly effective in helping police recover stolen vehicles. If a thief does manage to steal your motorcycle, a vehicle tracking system can be the difference in reclaiming your bike before it’s scrapped and sold.

Don’t get caught without motorcycle insurance coverage that might help protect you from financial loss. Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial and see how much you could save with a policy.

Is Your Maryland Home Protected? 4 Tips

You work hard to make sure your family is always safe, but have you taken extra precautions around your home in case of an unexpected incident? Here are four tips for protecting your Maryland home against disaster.

Tip #1: Make Sure You Have a Plan

One of the easiest ways to ensure your home is protected against and unexpected disaster is by simply having a plan. Discuss with your family the easiest ways to escape during a fire and what to do if you are separated during a natural disaster. Keep a list of emergency contacts handy for use in an extreme circumstance. By simply having the conversation, you can help ensure everyone stays safe in the event of a crisis.

Tip #2: Have Emergency Lighting in Every Room

In case of an emergency, you will also want to have emergency lighting options in every room. This can include flashlights, candles, matches, or whatever else you need to illuminate the space in the event of an incident. If you are utilizing anything that takes batteries, make sure you also have extras stored alongside. Keeping these items spread out is crucial, as it prevents you from having to dig for them in a closet or drawer in the event of a crisis scenario.

Tip #3: Purchase a Fire Extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher on hand is another way to keep your home and family safe. While most emergency service teams will respond in only a few minutes, that crucial time period between being able to put out the flames yourself or incurring more damage can be important.

Tip #4: Have the Right Level of Insurance Coverage

Another way to protect your home and family is by having the right level of property insurance coverage. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we work with our clients to review their current homeowner’s insurance coverage and determine whether or not it meets their financial needs and lifestyle. Please contact us today for further information.

Take a Tool Kit Along for the Ride

Having some tools in the trunk can help with emergency car repairs. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial recommends that drivers have a tool kit and certain spare parts to help with emergency repairs.

Even those with roadside emergency service should have a tool kit and spare parts. There may be times, when driving in remote areas, when no cell phone signal is available to call for help. In wintertime, it is possible to stall out in the snow and it may take time to clear the roads so help can arrive. When help does arrive, it is extremely convenient to have the proper spare parts for the repair. This can avoid having to tow the vehicle, if making the repairs on the spot is possible by having the parts.

Tool kits are available that have some of what is needed. Here is a comprehensive checklist of items to consider, depending on the weather conditions:


  • Lug Wrench (cross-shaped) – Easier to turn, due to having more leverage than a single bar.
  • Socket and Wrench Set
  • Screwdrivers
  • Rubber Hammer
  • Inspection Light
  • Flashlight
  • Onboard Electronic Diagnostics Code Reader – Determines what triggered the “check engine light.”
  • Battery Cables
  • WD-40
  • Temporary Tire Repair Air Can or Air Pump
  • Work Gloves
  • Emergency Window Triangle
  • Road Flares
  • Extra Set of Keys – These are helpful if the vehicle has a button to pop open the trunk.


  • Two Headlamps
  • Tail light Bulbs
  • Spark Plugs
  • Belts
  • Oil Leak Stopper
  • 5 Quarts of Oil
  • Anti-freeze
  • Transmission Leak Stopper
  • Transmission Fluid
  • Windshield Wiper Blades
  • Set of Replacement Fuses


  • First Aid Kit
  • Drinking Water
  • Dehydrated Food Rations
  • Camper’s Cook Stove with solid fuel (safer)
  • Lighter
  • Sub-Zero Sleeping bag
  • Space Blanket

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial encourages taking the added precaution to carry a tool kit, spare parts, and personal safety items in the trunk. We care about your safety. Contact us to make sure you have adequate coverage for your auto insurance needs.

Your Local Food Bank Could Use Your Time and Talents

The Washington, DC area is full of hustle and bustle, and that can make it easy to forget that there are still people there who need assistance. Giving back to the community can be a great way to be reminded of that, and one of the ways to give back is through volunteering your time and talents to the local food bank. Even in areas of the country where some people have so much, there are definitely people who have very little.

By providing them with some food that they otherwise couldn’t afford, they can get a good meal and have the strength to get through their day. Whether it’s a homeless person who doesn’t have any money for food or a family who’s just a little short on funds and trying to make it through until the next payday, getting help from the food bank can make a big difference. While these organizations often have enough food to give out, they may not have enough people to hand out the food and help all the people who come through the doors.

When you offer your time and talents to your Washington, DC food bank, you give help and hope to many people who need it and who make up a part of your local community. Another way you can help your community is by supporting the local businesses there, like getting your insurance from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. When you support local businesses, they are better able to survive and thrive. That can lead to them also helping the local area, which is a winning situation for everyone involved.

House Sitting 101: How to Remain Safe

House sitting for a friend is a great way to escape your house and make a little extra money for your trouble. Although it sounds like a sweet deal, there are many things you should be concerned with while you house sit, primarily your safety.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, your safety is top-priority. The next time you house sit, keep the following tips in mind.

Know where your friends keep their emergency kits. Anything can happen to you while you are house sitting so it’s important that you are prepared for the worst. You should locate an emergency kit, and have it readily available, just in case you may need it during your stay.

Locate each fire extinguisher in advance. Fires are a major threat to you and to your friend’s home. In order to prevent severe damage from a fire, you have to know where each fire extinguisher is located. You also need to know exactly how to use it.

Arm all security mechanisms. From intrusion alarms to cameras, you should ensure that everything is armed while you are house sitting. If you experience an intrusion, these devices will help you remain safe and alert the appropriate authorities.

Secure backup communication devices. Radios are great to have when you are house sitting. If a weather-related disaster occurs while you are house sitting, radios will help you remain informed.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we want you to be prepared for the challenges of house sitting. We also want to ensure that you are safe while driving to and from your friend’s home by providing you with car insurance. You can visit our website to determine the best auto coverage for your vehicles.


How to Make the Most of Your Rented Kitchen

The kitchen really is the one place in your apartment you don’t have many decorating options. Your Laurel, MD landlord might let you paint the walls, but with everything built into place, it may seem like you’re stuck with the current appearance. Not so fast, actually. There are plenty of subtle changes you can bring into the kitchen, no matter the size or configurations of the room. Just make sure to cover any appliances or other larger ticket items with renter’s insurance through Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. For a small monthly fee, you can protect everything inside of your apartment. After all, you never know what might happen in an apartment when other people are living in such close proximity.

Temporary Backsplash

A backsplash really adds a burst of color to the kitchen and livens the room up. However, outside of a few high-end apartments, your apartment might not have a backsplash. There is a way around this. You can pick up vinyl decals designed specifically for this. It is fun, adds interest and is inexpensive (plus pulls off without leaving a mark). Fabric placed against the wall using either liquid starch or clear vinyl also works beautifully and is temporary.

Cutting Board

Do you lack countertop space? Pick up a cutting board large enough to cover the stove top when not in use. It is easy to move out of the way, yet provides several square feet of additional countertop space. It is also easy to wash and you can use it as a serving platter when friends are over.


Some small plants in your kitchen livens up the room, gives a fresh feeling and helps improve the air flow. Consider plants you might cook with, such as parsley or basil.

Call your friendly agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial for a renters insurance quote or review.

3 Reasons to Work with an Independent Insurance Agent

Navigating your maze of insurance options can be an undertaking. With so much at stake, choosing the wrong option can have severe consequences. Fortunately, in your quest to find the best insurance coverage for your family, you have a partner by your side the entire time—independent insurance agents.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial our independent insurance agents are proven experts. They help you on your journey in becoming insured by providing you with the following three benefits.

They Explain Difficult Concepts

Insurance jargon can be confusing. From deductibles to indemnities, our independent insurance agents help you understand what each term. They also help you understand how your choices affect your finances. Armed with insider information about insurance, you can choose the best insurance for your family.

They Are Consultants during the Sale

Our insurance agents act as your consultants, providing you with information so that you can make an informed decision about your coverage. We want you to be satisfied with your insurance policy and will equip you with the tools you need to make an educated decision.

They Are Your Partners after the Sale Too

All too often customers are on their own when they purchase insurance from companies, but at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial we are your partners the entire time you are our customers. Whether you are interested in updating your insurance in the future, or you simply want to add more insurance, we are here for you.

Our independent insurance agents are not salespeople, but consultants. They help you understand and choose the best insurance for your family, regardless of your situation. When you are ready to get insurance, call one of our agents or get a free quote online.

The Facts About Buying a Car as a Present

We’ve all seen the commercials where a brand new car is parked in the driveway with a big red bow around it, all wrapped up as someone’s holiday surprise.  These sorts of purchases definitely can be done, but there are a few things that you need to know if you plan on buying a car as a present this year.

Pick the Right Car

If you are buying a car for someone as a gift, it would be great to give them a vehicle that they actually want.  Is there a particular color in a vehicle that they love?  Is space for hauling recreational gear or family needed? Take the time to find out precisely what their likes and needs are before you go shopping.


If you need to finance the vehicle, a surprise may be more difficult provided you both are going to be listed on the paperwork.  Many dealers are willing to help with this if you explain what you are trying to do.  Some auto dealers allow you to execute your surprise and then complete the necessary paperwork soon after.  You will also want to consider any tax implications of giving a gift of this size, as it may subject you to the Federal Gift Tax.


Finally, consider that while you are giving the gift of a vehicle, that car is going to require insurance.  Are you also giving the gift of insurance or will your loved one be responsible for auto insurance premiums?  Either way, Maryland is a mandatory vehicle insurance state, so the best course of action is to contact your auto insurance agent serving Laurel, MD to discuss coverages when you decide to purchase a vehicle as a gift.

For more information about personal auto insurance, contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today.

3 Insurance Risks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

If you own a small business, one of the key components to success is by making sure you are prepared for the unexpected. Here are three insurance risks that every small business owner needs to know.

Risk #1: Liability Claims

Liability claims encompass more than just slip-and-fall cases or instances where a customer is injured while visiting your business location. These types of incidents can include situations where your employees accidentally damage someone else’s property, someone becomes ill from a product you created, or something entirely different. The key to understanding liability risk for your business begins with knowing that anything that injures a person or thing physically, emotionally, or financially could be constituted as a claim. With such a wide variety of different scenarios, it is important to make sure your business has adequate coverage for the industry you are in.

Risk #2: Damage to Property

Another insurance risk to be aware of is damage to property. We all know that storms, fire, theft, and vandalism can happen at any time. But if your small business were to have to replace all the tools and equipment necessary for everyday operations, would it be able to afford to do so? Preparing for the unexpected in this case means making sure your insurance policy covers as many critical items as possible.

Risk #3: Employee Injuries

From the moment you hire your first employee, you encounter the chance of an on-the-job injury. In our state, worker’s compensation insurance is required for all employers. But making sure you have this important coverage is only one small portion of managing this risk. Constantly remind staff about workplace safety procedures and have a strict guidance policy in place.

Find out more information about how a commercial insurance policy can help your business. Please contact our team at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today for further details.

Emergency Preparedness: Power Outages

When you live in Laurel, Maryland, you never know when the power can go out. It is important to focus on emergency preparedness so that you can deal with the power being out in the most appropriate of ways.

One of the first things you have to focus on is survival. How are you going to stay warm throughout the winter weather when you don’t have power? You can use Bubble Wrap or blankets to insulate all of the windows. You should also have backup blankets to keep everyone in the house warm as well.

How are you going to see in the dark? It’s a good idea to have several sources of light, ranging from flashlights to lanterns. Everything that is battery-powered should have extra batteries.

It is also a good idea to invest in an emergency radio that is battery-powered. You may also want to look for one that has a solar charger. This will allow you to stay in touch with people as required.

Sustenance is another thing you are going to have to focus on with a power outage in Laurel. As your refrigerator and freezer are without power for longer periods of time, the food is going to become unsafe. You will have to discard it all eventually – and this means you will need other food to eat. Jerky can last a significant amount of time, and there are also various other things you can keep in the house, such as granola bars, peanut butter, and canned foods. Many of these things won’t need to be cooked at all.

Call and talk to us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today to learn about emergency preparedness. Having a homeowner’s insurance policy can be one of the best ways to prepare for what may occur in your Maryland home.