Advice for Avoiding Fender Bender Fraud in Laurel, Maryland

Even in a place like Laurel, Maryland, fender benders are bound to happen. And usually, when they do, each party checks on the other and their vehicles and insurance companies, like Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, handle the rest. However, sometimes these minor accidents become much bigger deals due to injuries one party suffers and in many of those cases, there are fraudulent claims being made by the injured party, as they are trying to squeeze some money out of a minor incident. These claims can be difficult to disprove in court, though there are some things that can be done immediately after the incident occurs to protect from this fender bender fraud. Below is some advice for avoiding fender bender fraud in Laurel, Maryland.


The more evidence you can present later in the event of a fraud case of the actual fender bender itself, the better. So take as many pictures of the accident itself, the area where the accident occurred and the other party involved to see if they are injured right after the fact. These photos or footage will be very helpful in the event this ever goes to court.


The police will arrive on the scene and file their own report and take statements from all the parties involved. This is important in the event the case ever goes to court, as the police are trusted above all parties to give impartial third party statements, backing up the truth.


The sooner your insurance company knows the fender bender happened, the better, so they can protect you and themselves from any fraudulent claims that may be coming their way from the other party involved in the accident.



3 Times Commercial Insurance Could Have Saved the Day

One of the great fears of running a business is being hit with a lawsuit. You’ve probably looked into coverage for a number of common issues, but many times it’s the abnormal that can bankrupt a perfectly good company. Commercial insurance can cover almost any eventuality if you optimize your coverage, but for a number of reasons, these three cases were not covered and got out of hand quickly.


Blitz is a company that specialized in making handheld gas cans. In fact, they were the biggest manufacturer in the U.S. In 2012 they had to file bankruptcy and eventually close the business because of a little over 30 lawsuits all with the same claim: pouring gas from their cans onto a burning fire caused explosions. While one might think that pouring gasoline on a burning fire is a dangerous activity, the company was still held liable for an average of $4 million per case. The totals were too much and the company is no more.

Garcia vs Ledraplastic

Francisco Garcia and the Sacramento Kings famously sued Ledraplastic. He was exercising with one of their balancing balls when it burst, causing him to break his forearm and miss playtime with the NBA team. The large player was lifting 90-pound weights in each hand while balancing. It is unclear whether or not he exceeded the manufacturer’s listed weight limits, but the suit was settled for an undisclosed amount that most suspect was in the tens of millions.

Broward County Bus

Ursula Wilson was riding the public transit when the driver had to slam the brakes and caused her to collide violently with the bus floor. She sued the county for the driver’s alleged negligence for $100,000 to cover medical expenses. Video shows that the driver was using one hand to eat a beef patty when the incident occurred, and ultimately the county settled the case.

In each of these cases, large sums had to be paid out of pocket. In one case it closed a business, and in another it came out of taxpayer pockets. Unbelievable lawsuits can threaten any company, so talk with Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to make sure you are covered against the unexpected.

What are some important characteristics of a good home insurance policy?

There are many details that go into a home insurance policy. All the details make it hard to figure out what you need when shopping for the right policy to keep your home financially secure.

Future policyholders should be aware of the following four characteristics of a good insurance policy:

  1. It comes with appropriate coverage limits- Your coverage limits on your home insurance policy should be neither too low NOR too high. If your coverage limit is much higher than your home is worth, you’ll probably be paying out too much in premiums. 
  2. It comes along with outstanding customer service- Good customer service will prove very important when it comes time to file a claim. You can find out how good your potential provider’s customer service is by doing some research online. Look for reviews of the insurance provider to see what past and current customers think of the company and the customer service it offers. Also, call the company and ask questions over the phone to see how the representatives communicate with clients. 
  3. It includes a guaranteed replacement cost provision- A guaranteed replacement cost provision is a provision that makes it so that you will be able to rebuild your home regardless of how much it costs. Such a provision will mean that the insurance provider will pay to have your home rebuilt even if the cost exceeds your coverage limits. 
  4. It includes the option to sign up for an inflation provision- An inflation provision will adjust your coverage on an annual basis depending on inflation or changes in construction costs in your area. 

Are you ready to shop for the right insurance policy that includes these important characteristics? Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to discuss your options. 

Auto Insurance and Why You Need It

In the simplest explanation – auto insurance is all about being smart and planning.  This type of planning can keep you protected from surprises that can be expensive and sometimes even devastating.

When you think of auto insurance, think of it as being a factor in your overall financial plan.  It is a powerful tool that can be used to help:

  • Protect the investment that is your car
  • Pay for any sort of medical bills after a car accident
  • Protect you from the damages that can result from accident related lawsuits
  • Protect your assets that you have worked so hard to amass – this can include things like stocks and bonds, retirement funds, and even your home
  • Protect you from underinsured or even uninsured motorists
  • Take care of repairs that are made necessary by natural disasters, vandalism or theft
  • Give you peace of mind whenever you are on the road

With all of that, it is critical for you to know and keep in mind that not all insurance carriers – or policies – are alike.  You need to understand the unique details of your situation – this includes knowing what it is exactly that you need to protect and how each type of coverage will help you protect it – or not.

Aside from all of that, you need auto insurance because it is required by law, even though the specifics do vary from state to state.

If you are in the Laurel, MD area and need a new policy or just need to understand the one that you have, call or come into Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial and have one of our friendly and knowledgeable agents go over it with you.  They can let you know what you are covered for and if you need more coverage, they can help you with that as well. 

Steps To Determining The Correct Life Insurance Amount

Life insurance is a scary thing to think about and some people do not even know how much they should get. It is one of the most common questions pertaining to life insurance and there is not a one size fits all answer. The truth is, your life insurance policy is as unique as you are and you should take some time determining the right amount. To help you with that process, simply answer these three questions. At the end, you will have a much better idea of how much life insurance you actually need.

  • How much debt do you owe? If you have debt, whether it is a mortgage note, credit card debt, or even a car note, that debt does not just go away when you pass. It goes to another person in your family. If you do not want someone else to have to pay your debt for you and take on that burden, then you need to make sure you have enough in your life insurance policy to cover it.
  • Do you financially care for someone? If you are financially responsible for someone, what happens after you pass? You need to make sure you have enough in your life insurance policy to financially care for them until they can get back on their feet and provide for themselves.
  • Have you set aside money for the funeral? Your funeral can become very expensive very quickly and these prices are rising. This is another thing you likely do not want to burden your family with so make sure you have enough set aside to cover the costs associated with the funeral.

For more information about life insurance or to get a quote, contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD today.



The Easy Way to Update Your Insurance

For years, insurance companies have been trying to make the entire process of buying and even renewing your insurance policies as easy as possible.  Like with most things though, insurance companies rely on you regardless of whether you live in Laurel, MD or anywhere else.  You are the one who is responsible for providing the insurance company with all of the pertinent and critical information.  For that reason, we have put together a list of some of the information that you will need if you are buying a new insurance policy or just renewing and/or updating an existing policy.

Vehicle Insurance

When it comes to your vehicle, most of the time, people will have a good idea of what type of information they will need.  Such as your license plate number.  However, that isn’t the only sort of information you will need.  Some of the other pieces of information include but are not limited to:

  • If you are renewing or updating your insurance you will need to know your current policy number.
  • The VIN (Vehicle Information Number) of your car.
  • If there is a lien on the vehicle, you will need to know the name and address of whoever holds the lien.   Most of the time this will be a dealership or bank.
  • If you happen to be purchasing a new or used vehicle, you will need the insurance company to show the dealer and local DMV proof of insurance.  You will need the fax numbers or email address of the dealer and DMV.
  • If you are clearing up DMV issues such as a suspension of licenses or even an SR-22, you will need a case number.

If it is time for you to renew, review or update your vehicle insurance, call or visit a Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial agency as soon as possible.  

Ways To Organize Your Closet

If you look in your closet and you hate the way it looks because it is messy and there is no organization system, then you need to get in there and clean it up. However, tackling a project that large can take some time. There are several great ways you can make a big difference in a little bit of time though. Use our tips to organize your closet and contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial for all of your insurance needs.

  • If you have a small closet, you can create some extra space by removing the door. While it may not sound like much, it can provide a few extra inches to your closet and that can make a world of difference. Be sure to put up a curtain, though, so that the contents of your closet are hidden. 
  • If you have too many clothes in your closet and you are running out of room, consider using tiered hangers so you can put more than one item on each hanger. You probably only have enough room for so many hangers so think about this the smart way and use hangers for more items of clothing. 
  • If you still do not have enough room for clothes, you may want to consider getting a second closet rod if you have the room for it in the closet. 
  • Use an over the door shoe rack for all of your shoes in the closet. If you opted to keep your closet door, make use of it by putting an over the door shoe rack on it and storing all of your shoes there.
  • Use shelf dividers to store like items. You can create small cubby holes using these and they are great for storing items like sweaters. 

Easy Closet Organization Hacks for Any Closet

No matter what your current closet space situation entails, chances are you wish you had more. Outside of building onto your current property, the only other way of increasing the amount of storage space inside of your closet is to take advantage of a few of these individual hacks. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we want to make sure you enjoy your Laurel, MD home, no matter the property or the size. 


Do you remember those old pegboards you used in elementary school? Well, these can work wonders along the side wall of your closet. Pop in hooks for handbags, belts and ties, hang jewelry or do really anything else with the space. It is cheap, yet an effective way to increase the amount of hanging space available in your closet. 

Multi-Purpose Hanger

These hangers have one hook for the closet rack, but multiple hooks are available underneath. This way, you can thread your scarfs, or t-shirts through the open hooks. It keeps everything wrinkle free, yet allows you to store a dozen different t-shirts on the hook where it might take a dozen hangers to do so instead. 

Secondary Rack

There is likely a higher rack for hanging your shirts and jackets. However, this only takes up half of the closet, when you have pants and other items that need to hang up as well. Install a second sliding rack underneath and you can hang your pants, shorts and anything else here rather easily. This way, you instantly double the amount of hanging space in your closet, all without adding any additional closet space. 

Use the Door

The back of the door should be used. Remember to take advantage of a door rack for your shoes to keep everything propped up. 

Does Mileage Matter? Tips for Buying a Used Car

Years ago, if a vehicle had 200,000 miles on it, consumers and automotive specialists would consider this extremely high. Over the past few decades, when the odometer would turn over 200k, most car owners would know it’s time to invest in a new one. Nowadays, though, everything is different thanks to advancements in technology. Not only has technology grown in ways to provide the utmost comfort and safety in vehicles, but it’s also helped improve gas mileage. Your average SUV 15 years ago would get between 12 to 16 mpg to the gallon. Now it’s not uncommon for newer SUVs to get as much as 27+ mpg on the highway. 

Technological improvements have turned today’s society into one that doesn’t view a vehicle with 200k+ miles on it as something not worth investing in. High mileage does play a negative role in the overall resale value of a family car, but if you buy one outfitted into newer technology, you will likely get anywhere from 100 to 200k more miles out of it. Cars these days are designed using unique concepts and materials, which enhances their ability to stay on the road longer. If you’re wanting to save money when buying a new family car, make sure you consider all of your used car options. Buying a used car can also help lower insurance premiums.

Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today to learn more. With connections to local car dealers and great financing options, Mid Atlantic can help you a great used car for your family. And we can even provide premium quotes while using all discounts that you qualify for. 

Used Family Cars: Finding the One Best for Your Family

Here are a couple of differences and similarities that you will notice when going to buy a new or used car for your family. 

New and used cars greatly differ in their prices

If you’re going to buy a new car for your family, that’s great, but you should be aware that you will have to pay a pretty penny to cover your monthly payments. Used cars on the other hand feature some of today’s best deals on personal transportation, so if you concerned with money, then buying used is the way to go. 

They have a lot of the same technology

Cars that were manufactured at the turn of the century featured lots of new technologies that enhance the safety of drivers and passengers. So while buying a new car might seem like you’re family will be safer, you should know that many of your used car options are just as safe. 

Both come with warranties

Depending on where you purchase the new or used car, you will likely be able to take advantage of a warranty. If a used car has a warranty that has expired, you can always invest in a third-party warranty provider. It’s important to understand your warranties as they can save thousands of dollars in the event that your car was to break down. When buying a new car, you shouldn’t have to ask for a warranty because it should automatically come with one.

To learn more about buying a used car for your family, contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today. A reputable agent is happy to assist you with all inquiries.