Do You Really Need Commercial Insurance To Protect Personal Liability?

As a business owner, you’re looking to save money wherever you can. You know the importance of protecting your business with insurance, but it can be tough to walk the line between overpaying and not having enough coverage. You may be wondering if commercial insurance is a necessity for your personal liability within your business. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD, insurance professionals are here to explain just why commercial insurance is so important for protecting your personal liability. 

When you have a commercial insurance policy, it protects your personal liability when it comes to being sued. While it can be hard to imagine that anyone could ever sue your business, these things happen often. When your business gets sued, it can cause bankruptcy, or worse. 

Personal liability insurance is there to protect both your personal property and your business assets in the event that someone tries to accuse you of wrongdoing. If you work in a business with a high rate of liability, it’s essential that you have commercial insurance to protect your assets. 

Imagine: you own a company that takes people kayaking. On one of your trips, someone gets hurt. The attempt to sue you for all of their medical bills. In the unlikely event that you’re found liable, your personal liability insurance would go toward paying the bills, rather than having the sum come out of your own pocket. 

Call Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, Serving Laurel, MD

If you’re in the market for a personal liability commercial insurance policy, reach out to us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving Laurel, MD. We’re here to keep you and your assets safe. 

3 Reasons Why Single Maryland Residents Need Life Insurance

One of the things that many of our single clients living around Laurel, MD is life insurance. This is not something they seek out when they visit us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. Below are the reasons why you should change your mind. 

Funeral Costs

Should you pass unexpectedly, a funeral and burial are necessary. Even without children or a spouse, you will need to have these costs covered. Life insurance policies are often used to cover the following:

  • Funeral home services 
  • Burial costs 
  • Cremation services (if necessary)

Having your remains secured is critical so that your closest relatives do not have to cover these costs while trying to mourn. Depending on the services you would like and the way in which you want to leave your remains, having enough funds for these services is essential. 

Joint Debts

Although you are single, you may still have some debt lingering that is tied with another individual. Should you pass unexpectedly, the debt that you have will not be eliminated. In fact, it will fall completely on the joined party. You want to ensure that you have enough funds in your policy to cover at least half of the debt to cover your portion. If you used a cosigner and are the primary holder of the debt, then you should have enough funds in the policy to cover the remaining debt.

Take Advantage of Good Health

Attempting to get a policy later in life could be difficult if your health begins to decline. While you have a good bill of health and eligible for health insurance, you should take advantage of it. Once your health starts to go down, your ability to get life insurance becomes harder. 

We’re Here For You!

Give our agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial a call today for more information. We proudly serve the Laurel, MD area and look forward to hearing from you soon. 

How To Create A Home Inventory

Being a homeowner comes with lots of built-in stress to go along with all the pride and excitement. You are so happy to actually have a home of your very own but there are so many things that can wrong that it can keep you up at night with worry. Having good home insurance can take some of the worries out of making sure that you are protected but even the top insurance will be counting on you to do your part to make sure that filing a claim goes smoothly. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD we will make sure you have a good carrier and we can help you to understand how a home inventory can make your insurance experience much less stressful. 

In this day of technology, there are several ways that you can create a home inventory. Walkthrough your home, top to bottom and make a recording with your cellphone of each room. You want to especially focus on the more high priced items. If you have a video camera you can record your contents that way. You can walk through each room with a pad and paper and write down the contents of each room. All of these ways work. In addition, appraisals should be placed with the inventory as well as sales slips and detailed model number. The more information you have the easier it will be to collect in the event of a loss. The inventory needs to be stored in a safe place, the Cloud is an option or if it is a paper copy, in a safe place preferably off the home site. 

Talking with the experienced agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD can help to ease your mind when it comes to how to create a home inventory. Stop by the office or give us a call for a no-obligation quote. 

Three things you didn’t know about auto insurance

A lot of consumers are unaware of some important factors regarding auto insurance. If you’re a vehicle owner in Laurel MD, you should know the basics of auto insurance to pick the best policy for you. You can learn more about auto insurance by visiting our website at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. 

The following are three things you didn’t know about auto insurance. 

The cost of an auto insurance policy varies significantly between different providers.

You might not be aware of just how much auto insurance policy premiums can differ between providers. You definitely want to shop around and compare costs. You might find that one provider will insure you for significantly less than another provider will charge. 

Motorists have a lot of possible auto insurance discounts available to them. 

You should definitely explore discounts to see if you can save money on auto insurance. You could qualify for discounts based on your driving record. You could bring down your premium with some insurers by taking a DMV driving safety class. You could also get a discount if you bundle your auto insurance with another type of insurance like home insurance. 

Insurers also offer discounts sometimes when vehicle owners make safety updates on their vehicles. If you get some added safety features installed in your vehicle like an anti-theft system, you might qualify for a discount for coverage. 

You have to purchase collision coverage separately. 

You generally have to purchase liability and collision coverage separately. Liability insurance is typically the only type of insurance required by law. You can decide whether you want to add collision coverage to compensate you for damages to your own vehicle. 

If you need to find the right auto insurance in Laurel, MD, we’re here to assist you. Contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to learn about our policy options. 

How Does Commercial Insurance Benefit Small Businesses?

Opening your own business is a huge undertaking, so it’s important to make sure it’s well protected with the proper commercial coverage. With all the expenses of operating your own business, though, you may be wondering what benefits there are to buying commercial insurance.  Our team at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial wants to make sure small business owners in Laurel, MD get their businesses started on the right foot with commercial insurance individualized for your business.

Types of commercial insurance 

The type of commercial insurance that may be right for you depends on the type of business you’re operating. Types of commercial insurance policies include auto, liability, and property. Small business owners often choose to get a business package policy (called BOP), which includes liability, property, and business interruption insurance. This type of package protects your business from property damage, claims if someone is injured at your business, and expenses if your business must close for a period of time for repairs. 

Benefits of commercial insurance 

Commercial insurance, like all insurance, helps protect businesses from losses. You’re responsible for a lot more than just yourself when you’re a business owner and must consider protecting your customers as well as your employees. The state of Maryland only requires small business owners to provide worker’s compensation insurance, but it’s not enough coverage to protect your entire business in case of property damage, theft, or a car accident with a company vehicle.   That’s why it’s important to make sure your business is properly covered with the right type of commercial insurance.

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is here to help small business owners find the right type of commercial insurance policy.  Call or stop by our office in Laurel, MD to learn more about what insurance coverage is right for your business. 

Why Have Life Insurance before You Have Children?

Having a child can trigger a lot of financial changes in your life and reassessing your life insurance needs in Laurel, MD is important to do after you have a child. However, you could be losing money by waiting until after your child is born to get life insurance and it may be best to get a policy before your new baby arrives.

Life insurance in Laurel, MD goes up as you age. Being younger usually means being healthier so you can get cheaper life insurance policies. Even waiting just a few years can add $10 more per month. If you jump the gun and get life insurance many years before your first child is born then you are saving a lot of money in the long run.

Buying life insurance before you have children is even more important for a woman. Weight can affect your health insurance premiums and getting pregnant means weight gain and many women keep some of the weight on after pregnancy. Just because you’re pregnant, the life insurance company doesn’t take into to affect. They take the weight at face value, whether there is a baby or not. However, many life insurance companies will let you take a new medical exam after a year so if you can demonstrate weight loss, you may get lower premiums. An agent at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help you with the requirements for the medical test. Pregnant women can also develop other health problems, such as high cholesterol and blood pressure, which can also increase premiums.

When you and your partner decide to actively start trying to have kids, also get life insurance. If your first child is more of a surprise, you want to get life insurance as soon as possible.

Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial to get a quote on life insurance. 

Is Life Insurance Needed When You’re Young?

The idea of getting life insurance is one that most people don’t think of when they’re younger. They focus on it as they get older, and have a family to care for. But even when you’re young, life insurance can be a great choice. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help you if you’re in the Laurel, MD area, so you can get the right level of life insurance for your needs and stage of life. Don’t ignore the options for good quality protection when you’re young, so you can keep that level of protection or increase it as you age and your stage of life changes.

Even Young People Can Use Life Insurance

A lot of young people have families today, and they want to make sure they’re protecting those families if something should happen to them. Even for people who don’t have a family yet, protecting parents, siblings, friends, or other loved ones is all possible through life insurance. The younger you are when you get a policy, the easier it can be in some cases. You may also have different options to consider, and those options could be more limited as you age. Focus on what your agent suggests, and you’ll have the best chance of getting the right policy for your needs.

Talking to Your Agent Can Make a Difference

Before you choose a life insurance policy, make sure you talk with us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. We want all our Laurel, MD clients to have the right life insurance for their needs. Even when you’re young, having life insurance can protect the people you care about and give you peace of mind. We can help you with those things, and ensure that you have a policy that fits where you are in life right now.

3 Ways to Minimize Customer injury at Your Maryland Business

Your customers are an integral part of your business. Protecting customers who visit your Laurel, MD business is essential to keep them returning and keep your reputation a positive one in the community. Below are three ways that our team at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial believes can assist you with minimizing your customer injury. 

Alert and Warn Customers of Hazards

Any time there is a hazard in the workplace or an employee is mopping a floor, it is critical to place signs that visibly notify customers that the area is under construction and the floor may be wet. In most cases, customers will avoid these areas and walk carefully around them to avoid injury. If they are not properly notified, they could be the next injured victims.

Daily Inspection

If your business is open for a single or multiple shifts, it is critical that your on-duty manager do a walkthrough of the premises to determine if there are any new damages or repairs that are needed. Most customer injury cases could be prevented if someone had taken a few minutes to check on the area. 

Encourage Signed Wavers

If your business requires your customers to experience something that is physical and could potentially be a safety risk throughout the service, then you can protect your business by requiring customers sign waivers before the service begins, waiving their right to sue you for any injuries or damages. 

Add a layer of Insurance

For ultimate protection against customer injury, contact our agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial for a commercial insurance policy today. We proudly serve the Laurel, MD area and surrounding areas with commercial insurance options. Give us a call today to see what your options are and how we can get you the coverage you need. 

Why You Should Discuss Your Home Insurance Needs With An Experienced Agent

For a Laurel, MD homeowner, their property is one of the most significant investments that they are ever going to make. That’s why it is important to take the time to properly safeguard this investment. These investments are prone to various risks and an experienced Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial agent can walk the homeowner through them.

A home insurance policy is going to be required by any mortgage lender and while this is typically not a state level requirement, the investment must be guarded from loss. Let’s say that the homeowner resides in an area where they are at risk of experiencing various natural disasters.

An experienced agent will let the homeowner know more about the minimum amount of coverage. The amount that the homeowner is spending on their mortgage goes a long way towards determining the level of coverage that is needed. In many instances, a lender will step in if the home is not properly insured.

From there, the payments are going to be added to the homeowner’s monthly mortgage payment by the lender. By taking the proactive route, a Laurel MD homeowner can avoid these types of difficulties. A homeowner may also want to discuss needs that are associated with their personal belongings. 

Let’s say that the homeowner has an expensive laptop that they are looking to protect, or even some jewelry. The policy that is purchased must be reflective of the homeowner’s personal needs. If injuries occur on the property, homeowner’s insurance also offers protection against the resulting legal bills and medical expenses that are incurred. 

When a homeowner is ready to start their search for the proper policy, they must take the time to meet with experienced Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial agents. Take a moment to visit the Mid Atlantic website, so that you can find out more about the importance of these policies. 

How to Prep Your Car for Holiday Travels

Whether you’re going out of town for the holidays or having relatives visit you, you’ll need reliable transportation. Prepping your vehicle for the holidays ensures it will be in good shape for your holiday travels. Start by reviewing your auto insurance to make sure you have the protection you need on the road. Here are a few other ideas from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD on how to prep your vehicle for the holidays.

Service Your Vehicle

Have your vehicle serviced before hitting the road to make sure all systems are running smoothly. Your mechanic should check your fluids, belts, coolant system, wipers and tires to enhance your safety during long-distance travel.   

Assemble an Auto Emergency Kit

Winter driving in Maryland is hazardous enough without having to endure a breakdown by the side of the road. By stocking up on emergency supplies, you can be prepared for any eventuality. Your auto emergency kit should include jumper cables, flares, flashlight with fresh batteries, cell phone charger, ice scraper, first-aid kit, matches, blankets, water and healthy snacks for the kids.

Protect Your Interior

Winter road trips can take a toll on the interior of your car as passengers track in mud, slush and snow entering and exiting the vehicle, not to mention food crumbs on seats and flooring. Investing in all-weather floor mats and seat covers will protect the interior of your car during holiday travels. Make sure you have plenty of trash bags and paper towels on hand for wiping grubby hands and cleaning food and drink spills.

Holiday driving can be a challenge. By prepping your car in advance and acquiring comprehensive auto insurance, you can protect your vehicle and family during your winter road trip. Contact us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD, today for all your auto insurance needs.