Who Pays For A Replacement Of A Broken Window?

Beltsville is located within St. George’s County of Maryland and offers many things for residents and tourists alike. This includes activities along the Shenandoah River, Dinosaur Park, and various shopping centers. Home values are slightly lower than the state average as well, making it a popular location for people to settle down in.

When you are ready to buy homeowner’s insurance in Beltsville, it’s important to look at what you are covered for so you know when you can make a claim and when you have to pay on your own.

If you experience a broken window, you will need a replacement quickly. This is because it is a security issue, not to mention that it can leave your home exposed to the outdoor elements.

If you have the right coverage, the homeowners insurance is going to pay for the broken window. Once the company has a chance to review the claim, they will pay for the replacement so you can forget that it ever happened.

The insurance company is only going to pay in some instances. If your son throws a baseball through the bedroom window, the claim is likely going to be denied. However, they will likely pay in such instances as:

– Storms

– Fires

– Trees falling

– Contractor issues

It all comes down to what your coverage is on your homeowner’s insurance policy in Maryland. By contacting our agents, we can explore coverage with you and read the fine print to ensure you are covered as much as possible. This can provide you with peace of mind knowing that you can file a claim and the insurance company will pay. A replacement window is not always cheap, so when they pay, it’s always better.

Call and talk to our agents today and we will help you out.

Do I Need Specific Coverage To Make A Personal Injury Claim?

South Laurel, Maryland is a relatively small city that’s conveniently located between Washington DC and Baltimore. The benefit to this location is that residents are close to it all – monuments, many top employers, and plenty of activities for the whole family. There are also some incredible homes throughout the 20708 area – and many are priced within the average of what’s found through the rest of the state.

It’s important to look at homeowners insurance as to the kind of coverage that you have. There can be all sorts of surprises in and around your home in the 20708 ZIP code and you want to be prepared for them all.

If someone hurts themselves on your property, or even driving home from a party where you served alcohol on your property, they have the potential to file a personal injury claim. Such a claim can be very expensive to you because of the cost to provide compensation as well as legal costs. This is when you’re going to turn to your homeowner’s insurance to cover the costs on your behalf.

In order for the insurance company to accept your claim, you need the necessary coverage. Not all policies will automatically cover a personal injury claim in Maryland. This means you need to be on the lookout for this coverage as you shop for a policy. Otherwise your claim will be denied and you could be financially responsible for it all.

The good news is that we have knowledgeable agents to walk you through your option with homeowner’s insurance in South Laurel. We will go over the levels of coverage for personal injury claims so you can make sure you are protected from every angle.

Contact us today and let us begin searching for quotes for you.

4 Tips for Dealing with a Sinking Foundation

Crazy changes in weather over the last few years has caused many Laurel property owners to have to deal with sinking foundations. Here are four DO's and DON'T tips for dealing with a sinking foundation.

DO Determine Whether or Not You Actually Have a Problem

Finding out whether or not you actually have a foundation problem is the first step to getting it fixed. If the door jams inside your home do not close tightly or there are cracks in your interior walls, there is a good chance you have a foundation issue. Other signs include cracking porch, driveway, or patio concrete.

DO Test Your Foundation Yourself Before Calling a Contractor

You can easily test your foundation yourself before spending the money to call out a contractor. Take a very large screwdriver and scrape along the foundation concrete of your home. If it chips or flakes, you most likely have a problem. If you aren't able to do any damage, your home might be fine.

DO Call a Licensed Contractor for a Professional Opinion

If your walls are cracking and your foundation seems to be chipping, it is important to call a licensed contractor for a professional opinion. There are many certified professionals in Laurel and across Maryland to help you determine whether or not you have a sinking foundation problem.

DON'T Expect Your Homeowners Insurance to Pay Up

Repairs to a sinking foundation can easily run into tens of thousands of dollars in extreme cases. Some people feel that their homeowners insurance policy will cover the cost of fixing the damage. However, many Maryland policies specifically exclude damage caused sinking foundations and the subsequent repairs. However, contacting your local Laurel insurance agent is ultimately the best way to find out whether your specific situation is covered.

How Can Smoke Damage Be Repaired?

When you have a home in Laurel, Maryland, you are centrally located to various metropolitan areas, including Columbia and Washington DC. This ensures you have all that you could ask for within a short drive. Even within the city, you can find gorgeous homes and they are priced similar to the state average.

When you have smoke damage as a result of a fire, it can leave your home less than desirable. There may be a lingering smell of smoke and there could be discoloration on the walls, too. You will want to clean up the damage as quickly as possible.

If you contact a few home remediation companies, they can provide you with a quote on what it will cost to clean up the smoke damage in Laurel. This may have to come out of your pocket, but the first thing to try is to contact your homeowner’s insurance. The policy may be able to provide you with the cost for the repairs so you don’t have to spend any of your own money, with the exception of the deductible.

Much of whether the homeowners insurance policy will cover the smoke damage is why the fire started. If it was accidental or something that could not have been avoided, your insurance may cover it. There is fine print within the policy to say what is and isn’t covered.

By working with an insurance agent, you can learn more about the various ways to get the coverage needed to protect your home in Maryland. This way if there is a fire, you know that the smoke damage will be covered so it’s not an expense you have to incur.

Our agents will be able to provide quotes for your home in Laurel, Maryland so you can get a definitive price on how to protect your home.

Home Insurance Coverage Options in Hillandale, MD

Buying home insurance coverage in Hillandale, MD can be a smart way to protect your assets; however, the coverage that you need may not always be as easy to recognize as you might expect. Although the state does not have any regulations for houses, our insurance agents generally recommend that you purchase a policy to protect against emergencies that may arise.

Basic Coverage

In many cases, your mortgage provider will set a minimum standard that you must maintain as long as you are making payments on the house. If you have paid for the house in cash or if you have already paid off the mortgage, then you will need to determine the amount of coverage that is appropriate for your needs.

Generally, a basic policy will pay for the most common threats, such as fire, theft or wind damage. Keep in mind that there may be exceptions or limitations in the basic plan.

Additional Coverage

Most policies will not include flood damage, damage from earthquakes or protection against certain risks that are identified in the policy, like wild fires. You should always purchase additional coverage if you feel that the basic plan is not enough.

Coverage can be purchased separately or as a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan will usually cover most situations; however, it will list the situations or the details that are not covered in the policy so that you are aware of the exact details.

Purchasing a policy for your home is usually a smart way to avoid financial challenges or strife. Although the best plan can vary, you should always make sure that the policy addresses your primary concerns and is appropriate for your personal financial goals. Contact us to speak to an agent or to learn more about your coverage options.

Cheap Home Insurance Policy in Maryland

The cost of home coverage can depend on a variety of factors in Maryland. The home insurance rates that you are offered may be impacted by the risks associated with the property, your historical information or even the type of problems that may arise in the particular area. As your insurance agency, we can help you find affordable policies to protect your home without giving up the coverage that you need.

Evaluating the Risks

Although there are some risks that you can control, such as the number of fire alarms in the house, there are other factors that are beyond your control. Before you start looking for coverage, evaluate the risks that are associated with the property.

Risks can range from having stairs in the house to having a pool in the yard. If it is possible, then reduce the risks by making a few simple changes. For example, put in a security system or add more fire alarms throughout the house.

Comparing Options

Use our online tools to compare home insurance rates from the top insurance providers in the local area. You can also talk to an agent to compare rates if you have additional concerns that you want to address or you want to clarify the coverage that you feel is necessary for your home. You can also ask an agent about the different policies or the terminology if you are comparing rates and cannot decide on a specific plan.

Home insurance rates can vary based on several factors, the insurance provider and your current situation; however, there are ways to save on the policy so that you can get an affordable rate. To learn more about protecting your house or obtaining a plan that is affordable, contact us to speak to an agent today.

When to Change Home Insurance Provider in Maryland

There are times when you will not feel satisfied with the insurance that you have purchased. You may feel that the insurance provider does not offer the plan that you want or you may be dissatisfied with the services that you have been offered. Changing insurance provider can be an option, but it is also important to determine when it is appropriate to make a change.

Reasons for a Change

Before you assume that it is necessary to change your insurer, consider your reasons for the adjustment. If the problem is only related to your coverage, then it may not require a complete change. Many insurance providers will offer several policy options and you can make adjustments to the coverage.

When you are not happy with the treatment that you receive from customer service representatives or you are dissatisfied with the company, it might be time to make a change. You can also determine that it is necessary to make a change if the company does not seem stable or there are concerns about the financial health of the insurance provider.

Making Adjustments

As an independent agency, we understand that you may be confused about the changes that can occur when you decide to change your insurance provider. That is why we help you find the right plan for your needs with online tools and the assistance of an agent.

Ideally, you should purchase a new home insurance policy before you cancel the previous policy. It will ensure that you do not have any gaps in your coverage.

There are times when you cannot work out your differences with an insurance provider. By changing insurance provider, you can ensure that your coverage is appropriate for your goals. To learn more about your options, contact us today.

Factors that determine home insurance rates in MD

Home insurance rates in Maryland can vary widely depending upon a number of different factors. Although there are laws in place that prevent insurance companies from charging exorbitant rates to insure your home, different insurance companies can charge more or less for the same coverage.

One of the obvious factors that goes into determining your premium is the amount of coverage you buy. A house worth a $1,000,000 will cost more to insure than one worth $200,000. Your rates can also be affected by the size of the deductible you choose. A lower deductible usually equates to a higher premium.

The age and type of construction of your home will also factor into the amount you pay to have your home insured. Typically, more things go wrong with an older home than a newer home. A roof is more likely to fail. A pipe is more likely to leak or burst. Insurance companies charge a little more for older homes to cover the additional risk.

In addition to your home creating a greater risk because it is old, it can present more of a risk depending on whether it is made out of brick, concrete, or wood. Brick and concrete are less susceptible to fire damage than wood.

Where you live also matters. If you live in a safe neighborhood, with a low crime rate, there is less chance of theft or vandalism to your home than if you lived in a high-crime area. Living close to a fire station will be a point in your favor for keeping premiums down.

If you have a swimming pool, an aggressive breed of dog, or other unique risk factors, your home insurance rates may be higher. If you have a history of filing frequent claims, that will definitely raise a red flag and may cause a hike in your premium. Studies show that people with good credit scores are more responsible and file fewer claims. So, if you have a good credit score, you may be rewarded with lower rates.

Am I Entitled to a Discount on My Homeowners Policy for Adding More Security to My Home?

Adding extra security to your home can definitely help you get a discount on your home insurance policy. The discount can vary by policy and by insurance provider, but you can ask your agent for a list of exactly what type of security measures that you can take to make sure you are able to get the lower policy rates.

The amount of your discount can vary by situation, but in general you will be able to secure a policy discount of at least 5 percent for adding one of the basic security upgrades. Some of those security upgrades include smoke detectors, burglar alarms, and dead bolt door locks.

If you are willing to significantly ramp up the security in your house you can potentially get even bigger discounts. For example, if you get a sprinkler system that activates in case of fire, you may be eligible for a higher discount. If you have a more advanced security system, for example the type of system that automatically calls the police and other emergency personnel when the alarm is triggered, you could get discounts as high as 15 percent or even more.

If you are considering security upgrades in your home and you want to know how they will impact your insurance rates, it is essential that you give your insurance agent the information about the exact upgrades you are considering. Your agent can tell you exactly how much this new security will reduce your insurance costs and you can then decide whether it is cost effective for you.

Our experienced home insurance agents are available to do custom quotes for you today. Be sure that your security upgrades will really count for something by getting the right policy today!

I am shopping for a house. What do I need to know about homeowner’s insurance before I buy?

When you’re shopping for a new home, it only makes sense to protect your biggest investment with a homeowners policy. But before you buy a new policy, it’s important to understand how it protects your home and what you can expect from your policy.

It’s important to understand the definitions of a “covered property,” which can vary depending on your state, policy provider and policy type:

Dwelling – Considered the structure of the house.

Other structures – Tool sheds, detached garages and other structures separate from the house.

Personal property – The contents of your home, including furniture, clothing and appliances.

Covered peril – Considered a cause of loss, such as a theft, fire or other peril named in your policy.

Loss of use – Provides protection in the event your dwelling becomes uninhabitable. Your provider may cover any necessary increase in living expenses to maintain your normal standard of living.

The average homeowners insurance policy usually comes in two parts:

Property coverage – This coverage takes care of your home and its contents in the event of a loss stemming from theft, vandalism, fire, tornado or other natural disaster.

Liability coverage – If something happens in your home that results in another party’s injury, liability coverage can offer protection against lawsuits.

As a general rule, most providers will not fully cover the cost of damage to a house unless you purchase coverage equaling 80 percent or more of the house’s total replacement value. Otherwise, you’ll only receive reimbursement for a proportionate amount of the required minimum.

Keep in mind that your policy should also be reviewed every so often to keep up with the 80-percent rule, due to inflation, market events and capital improvements that cause a home’s value to increase over time. Speaking to one of our independent agents can help put you on the right footing when it comes to your homeowners insurance.