Home Security Tips to Prevent Burglary

Home insurance protects you from burglary and other risks that can lead to financial loss. By taking measures to secure your home, however, you can discourage thieves from targeting your property. The following home security tips from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD can help protect your valuables from the risk of burglary.

Lock Up!

Lock your windows and doors (including garage doors) at night and anytime you leave your home. Leave one or two lights on if you plan to be back after dark. For extended trips, use automatic timers to turn on critical lamps to give the appearance that someone is home.

Stop Deliveries

If you’ll be gone for a week or more, put a hold on your mail and newspapers while you’re gone or ask a neighbor to retrieve these items so it doesn’t appear that no one’s home.

Security Checks

Check the locks on your windows and doors periodically to ensure they’re secure. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors. Change your locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen.

Keep Outdoor Gear Out of Sight

Store your lawn mower, gas grill, bike, and other outdoor equipment in your garage or storage shed where it’s out of sight of would-be thieves and burglars.

Install Outside Security Lights

Install motion-detection security lights in strategic locations around your home. A well-lit home is less likely to be targeted by thieves.

Install an Alarm System

Install an alarm system to protect your family and property for greater peace of mind. There are all kinds of alarm systems to choose from to meet your home’s security needs.  

These tips, combined with quality home insurance coverage, will protect your property from theft and burglary. Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial in Laurel, MD today for all your home insurance needs.

Unexpected Disasters: How Home Insurance Can Save the Day

If you own a home or are about to buy one in the Laurel, MD area, it’s essential to understand the value of home insurance. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help. Then you can have more peace of mind, knowing your home is protected from unexpected disasters. Many things can go wrong with a home, and you want to know that you’re prepared for them if they happen.

For example, there could be a natural disaster like a bad storm, or you could have a pipe burst in a wall. If you don’t have the right type and level of insurance coverage, you might not be protected or be able to have the damage repaired quickly. Working with the right agent makes the difference because you can get the information you need about home policies and what they cover.

Some basic, standard levels of coverage typically come with home insurance policies, but there are also many additional options to address. You don’t want to miss out on critical coverage that would help protect your home simply because you didn’t know it was an option or that you needed it.

Choosing coverage without the help of an agent could mean you aren’t getting everything you need. If the unexpected happens, you might not have the resources necessary to handle the aftermath. That’s what insurance is for, but you need proper coverage.

That’s why working with us at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial is the right choice for your home insurance needs in the Laurel, MD area. We understand that every home and situation is different, but we also know how to suggest the right coverage for your home and lifestyle. Contact us today, and let us help you get coverage to protect you from the unexpected.

Three priorities when you buy home insurance

Homeowners mustn’t underestimate the importance of making the right home insurance decisions. If you decide on a home insurance policy in Laurel, MD, we can help you at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. 

The following are three priorities you should focus on when buying home insurance. 

Factoring your home insurance premiums into your budget

Plan ahead regarding your finances to ensure you’ll pay your home insurance premiums on time every month. When you choose a home insurance policy, you should set out a budget to have a detailed financial plan and keep up with your homeownership expenses. 

Having complete coverage on your property

Getting complete coverage with a policy that offers replacement value coverage. Complete coverage on your property allows you to avoid a lot of financial risk as a homeowner. 

Understanding exactly what types of coverage you’re getting

Home insurance policies can potentially include a variety of different kinds of coverage. Not only does home insurance cover you for damage to your dwelling, but also damage to outbuildings and other personal property. Home insurance also provides coverage for medical bills resulting from injuries on your property. 

At the same time, home insurance doesn’t typically offer coverage for flood or earthquake damage. Be sure to read the fine print to know what coverage you’re getting and what coverage you’re not getting on your policy. 

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we are here to assist you with your home insurance needs. Contact us today to get a quote on a home insurance policy for your property in Laurel, MD.


What Perils are Typically Not Covered Under Homeowners?

Your standard homeowner’s policy will have a list of covered perils and exclusions that you must be aware of. This helps you prepare for contingencies you may face, and you can speak to one of our qualified Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial representatives for specific details. 

There is no legal requirement in Laurel, MD to obtain a homeowners policy, but your lender will usually require it for the duration you hold a balance. 

Flooding is not covered under homeowners insurance, and you will need a specific, dedicated flood insurance policy to cover this peril. Flooding is typically defined as water that has touched the ground before entering your residence. This means that rainwater, for example, that could affect property from a heavy storm through a leaky roof might be covered or broken pipes that burst and cause water damage. 

Earthquake is another event for which homeowners typically do not apply, though it can often be purchased as an add-on or endorsement. Sinkholes and other situations determined to be movement of earth are also usually not provided for under your homeowner’s policy. 

Mudflow is a type of occurrence that falls under flood insurance, and overflowing sump pumps will also likely be excluded from homeowners’ coverage. Sewage systems or drainage that produces groundswells that inundate your property must also be covered through flood insurance or a special endorsement. 

Failure to maintain your home may result in needed repairs that homeowners will not pay for, including infestations from pests or termites. Smoke damage due to agricultural operations also falls outside your standard peril. 

We Can Be of Assistance to Homeowners Looking for Insurance

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial takes pleasure in assisting the residents of Laurel, MD, and the surrounding environs with their insurance needs. We welcome you to reach out to us for more information. 

Don’t Leave Your Most Valuable Asset Unprotected – Get Homeowners’ Insurance

Are you a resident of the Laurel, MD area? Are you a licensed driver? If so, Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can provide the automobile insurance you need.

It is illegal to drive without this coverage in 48 out of 50 states. You stand to lose a lot in an accident for which you are liable. The primary reason to have vehicle insurance is to provide financial protection against bodily injury or physical damage resulting from a traffic accident. It will also provide financial protection against damage to the vehicle in a non-traffic collision, theft, weather events, or damage resulting from natural disasters.

Here are the types of automobile insurance to consider:

  • Bodily Injury – If you are in an accident and found liable for another’s injuries, this coverage pays for all medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.
  • Collision – Collision coverage is usually optional. Collision insurance pays up to the vehicle’s cash value minus deductible if you are in an accident with another vehicle or hit a fence or mailbox.
  • Comprehensive – This coverage pays to replace or repair a vehicle if it is damaged by fire, hail, theft, flood, falling objects, or hitting an animal. Windshield repairs are also covered. It is optional in most cases. The exception is if a car is leased, the finance company may require the driver to carry this coverage. Comprehensive coverage stays with the driver, regardless of what vehicle is being driven.
  • Liability – This coverage is mandatory in most states. The minimum liability coverage will vary according to state law.
  • Medical Payments – This coverage is optional in some states and mandatory in others. It will cover the policyholder, family members driving the insured vehicle, and any passengers. It covers medical tests, hospitalization, and surgery.
  • Personal Injury – PIP protection is not available in all states. It is similar to medical payments coverage because it covers payment of medical expenses following an accident. It also provides housecleaning services, loss of income, and childcare expenses while the driver recuperates. PIP also pays funeral costs if necessary.
  • Underinsured/uninsured Motorist – This coverage is required in some states but not in others. It provides coverage to help with medical bills and repairs to the car if the driver at fault does not have enough coverage.

Contact Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today! You will be glad you did.

Protect your home and family financials with homeowners insurance in Laurel, MD

As a homeowner, you know that many expenses come with owning a home. Between mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance, and repairs, it can be easy to let your homeowner’s insurance policy fall by the wayside. However, homeowners insurance is one of the most important investments you can make in your home. In the event of a fire, theft, or other disaster, homeowners insurance will help you cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Choosing the proper homeowner’s insurance policy can be tricky. There are a lot of factors to consider, such as the value of your home, your personal belongings, and your liability risk. Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can help you choose a policy that meets your needs and fits your budget. We offer a wide range of coverage options, and our experienced agents will work with you to find the best fit for your family.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Homeowners’ insurance policies typically cover the dwelling itself and the belongings inside. Coverage for the dwelling includes protection against fires, wind damage, hail damage, and other disasters specified in the policy. Coverage for belongings usually protects against theft, fire, and water damage. Most policies will also cover temporary living expenses if you need to stay elsewhere while your home is being repaired.

How Much Insurance Do You Need?

How much coverage you need depends on the value of your home and belongings and your liability risk. Mid-Atlantic Insurance Financial offers flexible coverage options to choose the level of protection that is right for you. We also offer discounts for bundling multiple policies together.

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to invest in homeowners insurance for your Laurel, MD home. A Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial policy will give you peace of mind knowing that your home and belongings are protected in case of fire, theft, or other disasters. 

Steps You Should Take in the Summer or Fall Months to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, serving the greater Laurel, MD area, can help you obtain the home insurance you need. In some cases, home insurance may cover damage from pipes that unexpectedly burst. However, the insurance company can deny coverage if they deem you did not properly care for or maintain your pipes. Here are a few steps you should consider taking in the summer or fall months to properly maintain your pipes and minimize the chances of your pipes freezing. 

Get Your Pipes Cleaned

One of the most critical steps you should take in the summer or fall months to prevent frozen pipes is to have your lines. When you have your pipes cleaned, also known as hydro blasting pipes, a professional can remove small blockages or narrowing of the pipes that may slow down the flow of water. When water flow is slowed, the water in your pipes is more likely to freeze in freezing temperatures. 

Insulate Outdoor Pipes

Another step you can take in the summer or fall months to help prevent frozen pipes is insulating your outdoor pipes. Insulating the pipes helps to keep them a little warmer, which may be the difference between the pipes freezing or not freezing. 

Consider Adding a Water Alarm

The last step that you can take to possibly help prevent frozen pipes is adding a water alarm. A water alarm will tell you if there are any cracks in your pipes, which could be an early indication that the pipes are freezing and starting to burst. This allows you to shut off the water before the pipes burst completely, helping to prevent significant water damage. 

The Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial team, serving the greater Laurel, MD area, can help you with your home insurance needs. Whether you are looking to obtain a new home insurance policy for your first home or you are looking to change policies on your existing home, we are here to assist you. Call us now to get started.

Benefits of Home Insurance

One of the places we feel safe is in our homes. That is why people go over and beyond to make their homes comfortable. It can be through upgrading features, buying fancy furniture and appliances, installing security systems, and other things. While these are necessary, another responsibility to consider is insuring your home. As advised by Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, you stand to benefit in many ways from home insurance. Here are some of the advantages that Laurel, MD residents can enjoy.

Provides Liability Coverage

It will cost you a lot if someone gets injured in your home, and you are held liable. This is one of the main reasons why you need to get home insurance. Besides injuries, if someone’s property gets damaged in your home and you are at fault, you are responsible for replacing or repairing the damaged item. Home insurance ensures you do not make a financial loss by covering these damages.

Protect Your Homes Contents

Home insurance helps protect your property, including appliances, electronics, furniture, jewelry, clothing, etc. That is why one needs to take an inventory of one’s belongings when buying home insurance. If you are exposed to a covered risk like fire, theft, or natural disaster, your policy helps repair or replace these items.

Offers Loss of Use Coverage

If your home is exposed to a covered loss like a fire, you may have to move out as it undergoes repairs temporarily. Home insurance can help cover the additional expenses you will incur, like travel, hotel, and food. This is another advantage of home insurance where you are not left stranded, covering hotel expenses.

Peace of Mind

Buying home insurance gives you peace of mind. Living your life knowing that if anything happens to your property, you will not go on with a huge financial loss is comforting.

Home insurance with Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial ensures you enjoy these benefits and so much more. If you reside in Laurel, MD, and are looking to insure your home, then look no further. We are ready to help you pick the right coverage for your home.

Does everyone in Laurel need home insurance?

The choice and process of purchasing a home is one of the most significant decisions that people in the Laurel, MD area will ever make. There are a lot of advantages that can come with property ownership over the long run, but there are risks to be considered as well. A great way that you can mitigate risks is by getting home insurance. There are various reasons why everyone in this area of Maryland should get home insurance.

Protect Assets

A top reason to always have insurance for your home is that it is an ideal way to protect your assets. A home insurance plan gives the coverage you need to repair your home if it does incur significant damage during a fire, bad weather, vandalism, or other covered risks. Your plan can also offer a provision for your personal assets up to limits set in your policy. 

Reduce Liability Risk

You also should consider getting home insurance here a necessity as it is a great way to reduce your personal liability risk. As a property owner, you are always going to take on some personal liability risk. If there is an accident in your home that causes injury or damage to another person’s property, you could be liable for damages. With liability insurance in your home coverage plan, you can offset this concern. 

People in the Laurel, MD area should always consider home insurance a top necessity and priority. If you are looking for a plan, it would be wise to call Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial. With the amount of options and choices to make, support from Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial will be helpful as they can give the guidance you need to build a quality plan that will cover your home and meet your requirements. 

Maryland Home Insurance: Don’t Hire a Contractor Without Checking Your Liability Coverage

When you are performing home renovations, one of the biggest stresses on your mind will be the safety risks, and liability risks. That is what liability insurance is for.

At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we help Laurel, MD homeowners get the coverage they need for every liability when they are renovating.

Learn more about how to do that right here.

Check Your Home Insurance Liability Policy

One thing you want to do before you hire a contractor or begin any renovations is check your liability coverage. This will protect you in the event of financial loss if an accident or problem occurs for which you are at fault.

When the layout of your home is altered, or you have many people coming and going from your property, you are increasing your liability risks. With contractors comes the risk of broken structures, exposed nails, or danger with construction.

You will want to check your home insurance for your liability coverage limits, to make sure that you have enough to cover you for every risk. Your insurance company can help you to increase your limits.

Liabilities for Home Renovation

When you are undergoing a home renovation, you could incur liabilities. There could be an accident or injury, or a problem could happen for which you are at fault. 

Your home insurance company will want to know what changes you are making to your home, and that you are covered for every potential risk.

Get a Quote

When you are launching home renovations, be prepared before you start. Before you even hire a contractor, check the liability coverage on your home insurance policy. At Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial, we want Laurel, MD homeowners to have enough liability coverage when they are renovating. Call us for a quote today.