Maryland Homeowners: Does My Insurance Policy Cover Flood Damage from the Hurricane?

Maryland homeowners, like many other homeowners across the United States are finding out that after a catastrophic weather event they did not have adequate homeowners insurance to cover the damages incurred. It is a very sad situation for these homeowners to find out that their insurance company is not going to pay in certain instances, and they thought that they were secure in the knowledge that if any damages were done to their home or personal possessions they would be reimbursed.

All homeowner policies from all companies work on the same basis by offering an extensive list of coverage on a standard policy. If certain damages are not listed on the policy, in black and white, you must consider them uncovered issues. Flood damages from hurricanes in Maryland are another example. There is no standard homeowner’s policy that will pay for flood damages from a hurricane. As a Maryland homeowner you need to be aware that if you want to insure your home for items not listed on your standard policy then you must buy a separate policy, such as a flood policy.

A separate flood insurance policy is not cheap through any company, so if you reside further inland in Maryland and feel there is no risk for flood damage you should consider if you want this added expense. Be aware though, this type of thinking can give you a false sense of security that water damage is not going to touch your home should a hurricane occur, as flooding has happened far inland in Maryland.

If you do not have flood coverage and hear that a serious hurricane is on its way and you are right in its path, do not rush and sign up for flood insurance, because it is already too late, as there is a 30 day waiting period. Call your independent agent today for a flood policy quote.

If I Share my Apartment With a Roommate Do we Both Need to Have Renters Insurance in Maryland?

As a Maryland resident who rents your apartment, you are aware that you need to have some sort of coverage for your possessions, but when you share your place with a roommate the rules can get a little confusing. To put it simply, you always need to make sure that you have a renters insurance policy because you will not get any coverage from your roommate’s policy, or vice versa.

Your independent agent in Laurel can help you to identify the type of renters policy and level of coverage that works best for you. The most important thing is just to make sure that you have a policy that will cover you. It may seem strange that two people living in the same space would not be able to share coverage, but you should think of a renters policy rather like you look at a car insurance policy: Everyone who drives needs to have car insurance, and everyone who lives in an apartment needs to have a renters policy.

Your own personal possessions are completely separate from the personal possessions of your roommate, and so you need to draw a distinction between these in your policy. Some people pose the question "What if it’s my boyfriend who is my roommate?" In this case, you will still need to have your own policies because you still have your own property.

If you have a change in your living situation or if you get married you should contact your Laurel independent agent as soon as possible because you may need to make a change to your renters policy as a result of this. Renters insurance is typically very inexpensive, so it is a smart investment and an easy one to make today!

What Type of Home Insurance Covers Natural Disaster Damage in Maryland?

Although Maryland is not typically thought of as a state that’s subject to severe natural disasters, they are actually not as uncommon as you may expect. Blizzards have been known to dump upwards of 4 feet of snow in Laurel, Maryland in just one week, and in 2011, the state saw Hurricane Irene and a large earthquake hit the area within a week of each other. Having the right homeowners policy for your home will ensure that you have the insurance coverage you need to pay for natural disaster damage that occurs.

A general homeowners insurance policy will cover many types of natural disaster damage. Fire, lighting, hailstorms, and windstorms (including tornadoes) are all included in even the most basic policy. You can also purchase a policy that expands to include damage from snow, ice, and sleet as well. Ask your insurance agent about what is and is not covered in the home insurance policy you are looking at purchasing for your Laurel, Maryland home. It’s very important that you understand the extent of your insurance coverage so you are adequately protected.

The main type of coverage you should consider adding to your basic homeowners insurance policy is flood insurance. This is issued through the National Flood Insurance Program and covers a wide range of damage due to natural disasters that involve flooding. Some common disasters include hurricanes, heavy rain, tidal waves, rising waters, melting snow, and runoff of surface waters. If your home is in a floodplain, your mortgage company may require you to purchase flood insurance. Otherwise, it is up to you whether you want to add this coverage. Your insurance agent can get quotes and purchase the insurance for you through the National Flood Insurance Program.

How Home Inventory will Help You Know What You Own for Insurance Purposes

Getting robbed or having a fire destroy some of your most cherished possessions is a traumatic event that you hope you will never have to experience. However, even in the very quiet communities of Laurel, Maryland, there are a few people out there who are up to no good. Having home insurance is a good way to protect yourself from an unfortunate loss.

Whether you live in a hundred year old Victorian home in the Laurel Historic District or are raising a family in a modern four bedroom home in Montpelier, Maryland homeowners should take an additional step to protect the contents of their home. Having a home inventory list to go along with your home insurance policy can make the process of filing a claim go smoothly.

If you know what you own, then it is relatively easy to identify what may be missing or destroyed after the interior of your home has been compromised. While a standard home insurance policy will usually provide coverage of the contents in an amount roughly equal to half the total insured value of the structure, you must be able to provide reasonable proof of a loss to collect on a claim.

One of the best ways to do so is to create a home inventory list. You can go room-by-room and make note of your more prominent possessions. Try to be as descriptive as possible of those items. For instance, if you have three televisions, describe each one by screen size and brand. It is also quite helpful to keep receipts for your major purchases.

Don’t get carried away and list every knife and fork in your draw. A simple description such as, a stainless steel service for twelve, would suffice. By providing as much information as possible about your loss, your insurance company can process your claim faster and you can receive your settlement check in a more timely manner.

Can I own a home without homeowners insurance in Laurel, Maryland?

Although homeowners insurance is not required by law in any of the 50 states, it’s smart to have it. By choosing to invest in your home’s well-being, you’re investing in your own future!

Homeowners looking for insurance in Laurel, Maryland have lots of options. How do you find an insurance agent you can trust and a policy that’s just right for you? Start by comparing your options, getting side-by-side quotes from a variety of agents so you can find out what policy will work best for you.

No two policies are exactly alike, and there is no one size fits all policy that will work for everyone. The best way to find a policy that works for you is to do your research. Know the possible dangers your home faces and the types of coverage you want. Then, talk to insurance agents.

Real estate brokers, attorneys, financial planners and CPA’s can recommend insurance agents to help you find the homeowners insurance plan that’s right for you. Talk to the professionals in Laurel to find out who they would recommend. This website is a great place to compare quotes, too, so take advantage of it.

There are resources readily available if you’re willing to look. To save money, consider buying your home and auto insurance policies from the same agent; often they’ll give you a better deal if you bundle your packages. Also think about going for a policy with a higher deductible. This keeps the monthly premiums way lower.

To save on your homeowners insurance policy, you can also make improvements that lessen the chance of damage to your property. Things like adding storm shutters and shatterproof glass or reinforcing the roof can give you a break in the price of your policy.

Having homeowners insurance in Laurel, Maryland may not be required by law, but it’s basically a necessity. You protect what you care about most, and your home is one of the most valuable investments you’ll ever make. Choosing the right policy is the best thing you can do for it.

How to get Tailored Home Insurance for New Homeowners in Laurel, Maryland

Tailored home insurance is important for your family if you have special circumstances or unique items that need to be protected. Many people own expensive collections, or they may have special breed pets, that may require extra insurance coverage. In addition to your regular new homeowners insurance policy in Laurel, Maryland, you may need specific riders to cover special property. Talking with an insurance agent will help you understand the type of protection you need and a price you can afford.

Insuring your expensive collections will help reduce your nervousness when you are away from home. Some people own expensive paintings, jewelry and even specialized electronics. Your basic homeowners insurance may not cover these items if they are stolen or damaged in a fire. Although some items can never be replaced, compensation for the loss may make you feel a little better. When insuring these items, consider how much it would cost to replace them. An insurance agent can help you determine the value of your items and make sure you have enough coverage.

If you own certain types of pets, your insurance provider may require tailored insurance. There is a list available of animals who are more likely to cause injuries and require owners to have additional protection. Although your animal may be the friendliest pet in the neighborhood, making sure you are protected in the event you are sued, could save your savings account.

An insurance agent in Lauren, Maryland can help you compare quotes for tailored home insurance. There are affordable rates available while providing all of the protection you need. New homeowners may be confused about all of the different types of coverage. An agent will explain the differences and make sure you have the homeowners insurance policy you need.

Are floods and earthquakes covered on standard home insurance policies?

Although floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters are more likely to occur in certain places, they can happen anywhere, including Fairland. In just seconds, a catastrophic event can leave you in ruin.

After this kind of emergency, you may be surprised to find out that your standard homeowner’s insurance will not cover disasters like earthquakes or floods. Once one of these horrendous events occurs, it is too late for you to obtain insurance to cover your damages.

The Standard Coverage

Each insurance policy is tailored to meet the needs of your home. Most standard homeowner’s insurance policies will cover damages that occur to permanent structures located on your property in Adelphi, as well as your personal belongings. Usually, a loss because of theft is also covered in your standard policy.

Some of the policies will include liability protection along with other coverage. Each policy varies, so you will want to read your policy to see exactly what will be covered and what will not.

Damages Usually Covered by the Standard Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

• Hail & Ice
• Fire
• Wind
• Lightening
• Plumbing

To cover other catastrophic events, you need to purchase what is called ‘Disaster Insurance.’ This insurance only covers earthquakes, floods and other specific catastrophes.

Your provider will help you determine what natural disaster coverage you will need according to your location. These policies are customized according to the needs of the homeowner.

Am I required to have home insurance?

Most mortgage companies require home owners to purchase home insurance, which is a good idea for rental homes as well. Instead of risking a huge out-of-pocket expense when disaster strikes, purchase an affordable home insurance policy.

You don’t plan for thieves to rob you or for fire to destroy your home, but these events happen every day. A home insurance policy covers the actual cost or replacement value of household items.

In addition to damage caused by vandals, weather related damage affects residential properties. Wind blows loose shingles off the roof or freezing temperatures during Burtonsville winters cause the sidewalk to crack. An insurance policy covers structural repairs. Consider purchasing additional coverage that provides temporary accommodations when your home is too damaged for occupancy.

With the prevalence of lawsuits, consider adding medical coverage to a Glen Dale home insurance policy. If a neighbor or repair-person trips on the stairs, a home insurance policy covers the medical expenses. Likewise, if someone claims to suffer an injury while on your property and sues you for a covered loss, liability insurance protects your assets.

An independent insurance agent assists you in answering questions you have about home insurance. They compare prices for you, find affordable coverage that meets your needs and provide adequate coverage when you are ready to purchase home insurance for your primary or rental property.