Does Your Home Insurance Cover Damage When You’re Away?

Leaving your home unoccupied for an extended period of time increases the chances of something happening. Burglars might realize no one is home, or a problem might go undetected. These increased risks can impact insurance coverage. Here’s how an extended period away could impact your home insurance.

Standard Home Insurance May Not Cover an Extended Vacancy

While your standard home insurance policy covers a wide range of damages, from fire to theft, the rules can change when your home is unoccupied for a certain period. Many standard policies won’t provide coverage after 30, 60, or 90 days of vacancy. The period of time can vary, but most policies will exclude claims after some period of vacancy.

If you’re in Laurel, MD, we at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial can check how long your home can be unoccupied and still covered by your current home insurance policy.

Vacant Home Coverage Can Provide Protection

Vacant home coverage can fill in this gap, providing coverage even when your home isn’t being occupied for an extended period. Vacant home coverage might be purchased as a different type of policy, but more often, it’s added onto a standard home policy as an optional endorsement. In this case, an endorsement usually adds specific protection to an insurance policy, which is coverage for an extended time of no occupancy. 

Protect Your Home with Confidence

If you plan to be away from your Laurel, MD, home for an extended time, don’t leave its protection to chance. Contact our insurance agents at Mid Atlantic Insurance Financial today to discuss vacant home coverage options. We’ll help ensure your home is safeguarded against unexpected damages no matter how long you’re away.